Part thirteen

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I pulled my booksack up to my shoulder, taking a breath for a new year.

I walked to my kitchen, where my mom stood in front of the sink, rinsing dishes.

"Goodmorning baby," she muttered through a smile.

"Morning," I replied, faking a grin.

I walked for the door wearily, before being interrupted.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" My mom questioned.

"Not today," I replied," love you."

"Love you too," she responded.

I could feel her stare on me as I made my way through the door.

Harry never called me back.

It's been two months.

We haven't spoken.

My mom and dad own their own business and travel throughout the summer, while I stay home and watch the house.

This has been a normal routines for us for quite a while.

It's now my senior year.

I moped down the sidewalks as my feet dragged the concrete.

The sun shown on me strongly, but I still felt as if the skies were cloudy.

I wish they could be, just so I would know I wouldn't be the only one feeling so low.

My walk only lasted a minimum of ten minutes, and I arrived at school at around 6:45am.

I closed my eyes and took in a breath, exhaling shortly after.

I forced a fake smile onto my face as I turned the corner.

There stood many of my classmates. They all eyed me before a few came and greeted me with a hug.

I forced laughter and happiness and I never realized how bad it hurts to pretend to be okay.

My heart laid heavy in my chest as I caught eye contact with familiar strangers.

Suddenly a pair of hands laid upon my shoulders strongly.

My spirit immediately lifted as I felt a smile show naturally on my face.

I turned to see Dannon, and my lips soon fell into a frown.

I held back my tears despite my quick smile.

"New year," she mumbled as we began to walk for the school doors.

"But I still feel like I'm stuck in the past," I shamefully admitted.

She tapped my shoulder with a smile.

"Don't worry about him Riley," she comforted, although we both knew it wasn't helping.

We walked through the halls quietly for the most part after that, and all I wanted to do was arrive at my first class.

We eventually did, and took seats in the back.

I sighed a sigh of relief as I sat, and being back at school reminded me of being with Harry.

I shut my eyes tight and could only hope he would show up today.

Five minutes, four, three, two, one.

The bell rang, and all seats were filled besides one.

"Styles missin' on the first day," I heard a boy in the back suggest.

Although I was disappointed he didn't show, it was comforting to know he was coming back.

Our teacher made it into our room not thirty seconds later, and began to announce her name.

"Eh, you're seniors... You guys know me already," she brushed off.

The entire class let off I giggled, besides me.

Ten minutes passed of me gazing to the door, hoping someone would come through.

"Almost forgot," our teacher chimed,"

"I have to call roll."

She slid through names faster than usual, but only one rang a bell.

"Harry styles?" She listed.

"Harry?" She called before eventually looking up.

Her eyes locked to an empty desk, as she muttered something under her breath.

Suddenly, the door cracked open before Harry slipped in.

My eyes widened as I sat up in my seat. Dannon kicked my leg lightly.

Harry didnt look at me.

He was clothed in nearly all black leather, and to his lips a jagged expression was tied.

He didnt look the same.

He look rough, and he looked like he didnt care about a thing anymore.

The sight of him almost took my breath away, but for the worse.


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