Part ten

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I rested my head upon his chest, as he took in deep breaths. His eyes lay gently closed. The clock read 5am.

"Harry, are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yes," he mumbled tiredly.

"What are you thinking about?" I questioned, moving around a little.

"You," he smiled.

I giggled to myself.

"Yeah right," I replied with a smile.

"It's true," he replied, his eyes still remaining shut.

"I always think about you," he continued, finally opening his eyes.

He turned to his side.

"Do you always think about me?" He mumbled again, sounding shy and nervous.

I nodded my head, although he could not see me.

"Yes," I quietly muttered as I kissed his temple.

- - - - - - - - - -

My flickered open quickly.

I glanced to my clock as I read 7am.

I quickly sat up and shook Harry, who laid beside me upon the floor.

Beside us sat an unfinished board game, and my lamp light still remained on.

I shook him a few more times.

"Harry, get up," I hissed as I grew restless.

"What," he moaned while turning opposite of me.

"You have to go," I insisted.

"It's seven o'clock, Dannon will know you were here," I continued while pushing him.

His eyes opened quickly as my words escaped. He sat up and messed with his hair before standing swiftly.

I giggled a little as he scrambled to grab his hoodie and shoes.

We quickly intertwined our fingers before tiptoeing out my bedroom once he finished getting ready to leave.

We walked over to my front door as I quickly pushed him out.

"Hurry before she hears us," I giggled.

He kissed my cheek gently, and nearly escaped the door.

"So close," Dannon muttered from behind us with a giggle.

I scrunched up my face while turning around. Harry remained in the doorway.

"So this was one big sleep over?" She questioned while walking towards us.

"I was about to leave," Harry mumbled without making contact.

"I don't mind Harry," she quickly replied.

"Really?" I muttered while looking up from the ground.

She nodded her head, while beginning to walk away.

"I'm going back to sleep," she smiled before escaping down the hall.

I looked back to Harry with a smile.

He flashed me one too, before kissing me.

"Bye," I mumbled before closing the door.

"Bye," he replied, hesitating to say more.

I didn't shut the door right away, expecting more from him.

He said nothing, and began to walk away.

I quietly shut the door and began to walk away, before I heard a knock.

I hustled to the knob and swung it open, to reveal Harry standing in the same spot as before.

"I love you," he admitted.

My heart thumped inside of my chest, and I felt as if it was the first time he had ever told me.

"I love you too," I answered.

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