Part six

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"Was I not enough?" I mumbled, defeated.

"You were enough," he sighed, choking back tears.

"I don't think you realize how hard this is for me," I breathed, burying my face in my hands.

He laid his hand upon my back gently, and breathed to himself.

I sat up slowly.

"I wasn't used to being so protected, and I wasn't used to being so cherished, or wanted... And you came, and gave me such a rush.."

I sighed roughly.

"And then when, when I saw you with her, I felt that emptiness again," I finished.

He wiped his eyes slowly, as he nodded his head.

"I love you," he mumbled, grabbing my hands in his.

I shook my head, trying to blink away my tears.

"That's not enough," I whispered.

My alarm clock sounded loudly, as I shot up.

I placed my hand upon my head, as I felt my damp palms touch my warm skin.

I rubbed my face fiercely as I breathed out.

"I'm so confused," I moaned to myself.

"What are you confused about?" I heard a deep voice question.

I looked up to see Harry standing in my doorway. His hair messily curled all over his head as he rubbed his eyes roughly.

"Oh, um, nothing," I replied, throwing my comforter off of me.

I stood up before Harry met me with a kiss.

I smiled to him through a chuckle.

"How'd you sleep?" He questioned in a playful tone, while rubbing his nose against mine.

"Great," I giggled, while kissing his forehead softly.

He intertwined his fingers with mine, before leading me out my room. I followed him into my living room, before we lost one another's grip.

I had a seat upon my armchair heavily, as I watched Harry pour a glass of milk.

"How was your sleep?" I questioned, stretching my arms.

"The rain woke me up a few times, but other than that it was nice," he said through a blush.

I stood from the chair quickly.

"What?" I sneakily questioned through a smile while tiptoeing towards him.

"Nothing," he grinned, turning his head from me.

"Tell me," I insisted, while placing my hands upon his back and chest.

"You talk in your sleep," he admitted with a smile.

In my mind I thought," oh no", recalling my dream.

"Oh," I spoke allowed, trying to change the subject.

Harry suddenly grabbed me by my waist forcefully, and pulled me close to him.

He leaned his forehead upon mine, and breathed in deeply.

"Will we ever start over?" he whispered hesitantly.

I nodded my head slowly.

"We will," I replied.

He placed a soft kiss to my lips without a questioned, and pulled away as if nothing had ever happened.

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