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On May 12th 2012 laid a young wolf named Hayley Marshall who was giving birth to twins.

While she was being held down by a group of witches, who were extremely pissed off at the baby's father's family.

The witches were determined to restore the balance of nature by sacrificing the eldest and just killing the youngest for revenge.

As the young Marshall pushed the second baby out of her, she was told it was another girl. After the gender reveal was told the witches quickly killed the young wolf and ran off with the newborn babies. One of the witches that held the youngest twin in her arms, began to feel guilty for going to kill the eldest baby tonight. Soon the other witches somehow couldn't bring themselves to kill the youngest one.

The witches that took the twins decided to clean and feed them. After being bathed and fed the witches put the youngest twin in a basket with blankets to keep her warm. They made a bracelet to help her control her magic for the time being.

The witches named the youngest twin Rosa-Bella May, they wrote a note inside that said her name, the time and day she was born and that she needed to not let her magic control her. She controls it along with a tip to teach her Latin as most of the magic spells are in.

One of the witches from the coven took the baby and flashed in the woods just outside of New Orleans. The witch placed the basket that had a sleeping newborn baby inside on the side of the road just enough so a driver could see the basket.

The witch said goodbye and left heading back to the sacrifice. A few hours went by and a lady from the foster care system who works in New York City, was on vacation. When she found the basket on the side of the road. She grabbed the baby and took care of her until she got back to New York. From there she would then put the newborn in the system.

Over time Rosa-Bella has been to over 100 foster homes since she was put in the system, that was until she was 10 year old. Rosa-Bella got placed in a foster home that abused her emotionally, physicality and mentality.

She got raped on a day-to-day basis, It got worse when she hit purity and the sexual abuse lasted much longer. When Rosa-Bella was 16 she got pregnant with twins by her foster dad. The first born came out perfect. The second baby had a hard time getting out, the foster dad beat Rosa-Bella while giving birth.

He punched Rosa-Bella's stomach too hard and killed the second baby. Yet Rosa-Bella still managed to fight to stay alive, not for herself anymore. For her children.

3 months after the birth Rosa-Bella met Alec Lightwood at a pup in New York City, they hit it off pretty well and became friends after that. Rosa-Bella told him about her being a witch once she knew she could trust him, Alec told her about the Shadow hunter world.

Rosa-Bella met the rest of the Lightwood family and the whole Institute, The Jai wolf pack, The vampire clan, the warlocks/witches and Seeley's.

Rosa-Bella became friends with all of them, Rosa-Bella later on found out that she is a Tribrid. Thanks to some of her witch friends, ( vampire witch and werewolf).

It took a bit for Rosa-Bella to get used to but she got the hang of it eventually and practiced her craft with her witch friends. Rosa-Bella told them who the father of her children was once she knew she could trust them.

Rosa-Bella did keep the details about her life on high ground and only told the ''need to know '' to her friends. She may trust them, however it's better to be safe than sorry.

As months went by Rosa-Bella gained so much control of her magic, she can even make portals and say/make spells in her head.

A week after Rosa-Bella's 17th Birthday, on May 19th was a day she will never forget. Rosa-Bella's foster dad/ father of her children, dragged her to the basement and beat her.

Not just with his bare hands but also with rope's, whether it was made out of leather or metal he used it. Rosa-Bella's foster dad raped her when he got bored of wiping her and soon even tasered Rosa-Bella a few times.

Rosa-Bella thought it couldn't get any worse until it did. Rosa-Bella saw her foster dad bring down her youngest and only living child down to her. The foster dad placed the young baby a few feet away for Rosa-Bella and killed her right in front of her.

He then left Rosa-Bella in the basement, needing to get all the blood off and get to work. After a half an hour goes by, Magnus Bane portals to where he hopes Rosa-Bella would be. It was his first time doing the locator spell from Rosa-Bella's craft and wasn't sure if he did it right.

When he got there he looked horrified at the scene in front of him, Magnus worked fast and took Rosa-Bella to the Institute. After Rosa-Bella got treated to her wounds and all cleaned up, she explained what happened. The Lightwoods strongly advised her to stay at the institute. Rosa-Bella didn't have the energy to disagree and just stayed.

The young tribrid went through a really bad depression and had night terrors to the point where Rosa-Bella had to have someone in the room while she slept. Rosa-Bella even made herself bleed as she slept, almost near death at some nights.

After that experience the whole Institute agreed one person wasn't enough to handle Rosa-Bella when she's asleep. They assigned another person to help whoever was already assigned to stay in the room with her, they kept this routine until Rosa-Bella was better.

Within 3 months Rosa-Bella started to do school online to keep her mind busy as much as possible. It worked during the day but the night's are the worst.

Rosa-Bella couldn't handle the feeling at night and turned to taking pills as a way for her to stay awake, Rosa-Bella became addicted to the pills. It wasn't until Rosa-Bella had another near death experience and Isabella lightwood (Lizzy as most people call her) helped Rosa-Bella get off them. Everyone can tell there is so much more that happened to Rosa-Bella then she tells them, Rosa-Bella went to AA meetings and her friends were there the whole time.

It was and still is a hard road to getting sober, within more time Rosa-Bella found a job as a waitress for a coffee shop in New York City.

A/N: What happens if Hope starts to get visions of some girl? Will the Mikaelson family finally be whole? How will Rosa-Bella feel with the new members entering her life? Well the only way to find out is to continue reading.

Madelaine Petsch as Rosa-Bella May( Mikaelson)

Thank you for reading, I'm going to be re-editing this book

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Thank you for reading, I'm going to be re-editing this book. I hope you all have an amazing day.

- R

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