Chapter 3

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( A/N: The next day, Rosa-Bella's POV )

I jolted awake by another night terror, I look at the clock on my nightstand it's says 3:30 am.

I sigh knowing I'm not going to get back to sleep anytime soon, I should just get up.  Maybe a workout would help me relax. 

After an hour lifting weights , I went back to my room and got ready for the day.

(A/N:Outfit up top 👆)

After I'm ready for the day, I decided to get some launder going.  Ugh hate laundry but I'm almost out of clothes! This is what happens when I leave things to the last minute!!!

Well at least now is a good time to get it done, I've got the laundry room all to myself.

I grabbed my laundry basket and walked down to the laundry room. After I'm done putting all my clothes in the washer, I head back to my room.

I looked around my room, man I really need to clean this place!

I started to clean up my room and while more like going threw my room, I made plies on what I can't reused anymore or I haven't touched in while.

Yes I worked my ass for for like 80% of my things. The other 15% is either hammy Downs from Lizzy or that came with the room.

However I truly don't need all this stuff when I know other need it more then me.

After I'm fully down going threw my room, I switched my clothes from the washer to the dryer.

As I walked back in my room, I saw Lizzy sitting on my bed looking at me like she knows exactly what I'm doing.

Distracting my mind!  Sometimes I really hate having a Paradise, however I won't change it for almost anything.

" Want help taking the bags down to the donation?" Lizzy asks.

" Sure, thanks." I says as Lizzy  nods her head.

" The hammy Downs, you can donate." Lizzy says as I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the bag of garbage I left in there as I came back out.

" Okay, thanks." I say.

(A/N: Small Time skip)

After Lizzy and I dropped off the donation stuff and put the bags of garbage in the trash, we went to get my clothes from the dryer and walked back to my room.

As we started to fold my clothes, I wonder why she's up at I guess now 7:00 am. Lizzy hates morning!! Why would she be up at this time?

" Do you have work today?" Lizzy says as I put away my clothes breaking the silence in the room.

"No, why?" I asked, as I finished putting away my clothes.

I turned to Lizzy who's smiling? Oh no. Not that smile, it always means group mission. Which can be fun when Alec loosens up after worrying about me for two maybe three hours.

I get I'm powerful and all but I'm not going to break. Even though they have very strong statements that proves otherwise.

Ugh I need to make more friends!

"Well that good, I need you to come with Jace, Alec, Clary and myself to find Magnus bean. Long story on why. Just please come?" Lizzy say vaguely then asks towards the end while putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

Do those people not realize I talk to him a daily basis?

Who do they think helps me out with my magic for the past couple of weeks?!

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