chapter 7 part 1

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(A/N: Rosa-Bella POV) 

I know the Mikaelson's family is my biological family. I mean I'm not blind, I do have Hayley's eyes and I have Hope's hair colour. My skin colour is almost the same shade as Hayley's, mine. Only a little lighter then hers. 

Although What really add the two together for me was the Mikaelson's didn't know anything about the shadow hunter world, I could tell since they had the same look Clary has when she finds out something new about the Shadow hunter world.

They had that look before we leave to deal Clary's memory issue, I didn't realize it until I was walking back to the Institute. 

Hayley looks like she's trying to figure out how I know.  Her brain  must be working overtime to and figure out how I put the pieces together in a short time frame, along with only having a short conversation with all of them.  I shouldn't have figure it out so soon. Well I'm not most people. 

 I haven't really wanted to know about my biological family for most of my life, that wasn't until I had my kid's. I started to think about my biological family a lot more.  As much as I'm scared to know them, I would like to know where I came from.

" It's not hard to put the pieces together." I say to her, breaking the silence in the room. 

 Hayley nods and takes a deep breath obviously not prepared for  this, they probably wanted to get to know me before telling me. Which is understandable, normally a kid who be freaking out or pushing them away.  I however know  reacting that way will be a waste of time, so acting  calm will get more  information. 

" I'm going to honest with you, I don't know where to start. We all there kinda of hoping to get to know you better before we tell you."   Hayley says not sure what to say. 

I nod my head confirming my theory.

" Well why don't you start from the beginning all the way up until now?" I asked her remaining calm and sounding  mature?   honestly I'm not even going to  question it at the  moment. 

(A/N: Time skip, because I don't want to witter all that and you all know the backstory )

After Hayley detailed explained everything including on what happened when she give birth to Hope and I. It feels very comforting to hear that your birth family really did look for you for years. I get it trying to find someone for so many years and not getting anywhere.

 Over time you would feel like you are searching for a needle in a haystack and not getting anywhere.

I can already tell just by having this conversation with Hayley, that they would do anything for me, or at least get to know me. Do I let them in? Can I trust them? What if I let them in and they don't like me in the end? I mentally sigh in my head. 

 I guess I wouldn't know anything until I try and get to know them. At least the are willing to get to know me, I see Haley waiting for my reaction.  I'm not going to yell or anything like that even though that's what I want to do, I just I know that's not going to help with anything. Nor will it solve anything only just  waste my time on it. 

" Rosa-Bella, All we want is just to get to know you, from a mother to a mother all I want to do is get to know my daughter."  Hayley says bringing me out of my thoughts as she  break the silence that fell over us. 

 Wait!? Did she just say "from a Mother to a Mother!?" How would they even know I had kids?!

 " Hold on. How do you know I had kids? I never told any of you that, I know my kids are not on my file in foster care, other wise I wouldn't be here.-" I say only to stop myself from saying anything more knowing I would say something I would regret it later. Then I realized how she and the rest of that family would have known.

 " You went though my memories to try and find me." I say out load as realization fell over me. 

I look at Hayley in the eye, I saw her looking scared and nervous, probably scared if she just lost her chance to get to know me. I think my calmness just disappeared from my body, as I'm  trying to control my  shaking. 

  " Y-Y-Your e-eyes, h-how are you doing that? h- have you become a full tribrid?"  Hayley  says as she stutters out. 

She can't be serious?!  If they want though my memories They would know I only unlocked my werewolf side and my witch part of me was always there! Then there is my mermaid side that I got experimented on in the lasts foster home I was in.  Not to mention I would be I  I guess considered a  Quibrid. Since I still have four creatures inside me, only my vampire side is still locked. 

My  mermaid side didn't full set in until I was in the shower at Magnus place,  all the sudden I grow a tail in ten seconds after the water hit my skin.   strange right? 

 " No I haven't. I only unlocked my werewolf side and my magic as always been there. You should know that already since all of you have gone through my memories." I say to her trying my best to not over react but I'm feeling very violated at the moment. 

I decided not to tell her about my mermaid part because as far as anyone knows I'm only have three creature in me. Hayley looks like she is trying to choose the right words to say.

That's a good idea because I'll take no responsibility for what will happen next. 

 "Rosa-Bella, we only went through the most important memories that could lend us to you. Believe me if there was another option to find you then we would have but there wasn't."  Hayley  hesitantly says. 

I know what she is saying is right, if my kids were alive and I had to go through their memories to find them I would. It's just the fact that they saw my most valuable I have ever been in some of my memories. 

Especially the ones with my kids. I'm trying to calm down, the memories of the last time I saw Aurora keep coming up, the feeling's of seeing my little Aurora scared and not being able to help. I feet so useless, mad, sadness so meany emotional that night.

All those feelings are coming back, I hear a lot of running and the next thing I know I'm piped up against the wall by one of my best friends from the foster care system, his name is Stiles Stilinski.

Stiles looks in to my eyes, moves our body's so close that I could practically feel is breath on my lips any closer we would be kissing. 

" Easy Fire stared, let's not re live the woods again." Stiles says. 

 Damn it, why did he have to bring up that? I got to admit the years have been good to him, his gotten hot over the years, of course I'm not going to tell him that. I wonder how he found me?

I mean the last time I saw him was when I was nine and I stayed with a foster family, we became best friends. I moved and we would write letters back and forth until I got a phone and we been calling and texting at least two weeks or so until I overdosed and then it became everyday.

I break eye contact with stiles and look at my mirror I gapes at my eyes.

 ( A/N: The eye colour is up top 👆 Also those is her mermaid eye colour.)

" Let it out." I heard Stiles says. 

I finally breakdown crying in stiles arms, not knowing that other people are in are now in my room.

A/N:  Thank you for reading this chapter,  I would love to do a showed out to scrum21704 for coming up with bringing Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf, Thank you for the idea. I hope you all have an amazing day. 


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