Chapter 9

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A/N: Rosa-Bella's POV 

As Hope and I are walking around New York City, it's starting to get dark and our hands are full with shopping bags, even though I didn't pay for them. Hope was so stubborn on not letting me pay for anything today, I mean it was nice and all.

 I just know I'm going to be in debt to not only her but all also her family too, I really don't want that. Well I guess It would be my family too.  Whoa.  That's going to take some time to get use to.  Right now we are walking downtown south of Brooklyn, we are really close to Magnus's apartment. 

 I look at hope with a smile on my face, I get this amazing idea. 

" What? What is it?" Hope asked. 

"Hope, What is something you have always wanted to do?" I mysteriously asked her 

Hope thinks for a second. 

  " I have always wanted to experience what's it like in a club and stay out for hours on end."  Hope says.   Whoa! Never thought Hope would want to be a party girl, she seems to  stay inside and read a book kinda of type.

Definitely not a party girl,  well if she wants to experience a party girl then she'll get that.  I smirk at Hope. 

 " Well Miss Mikaelson, You're wish has just been granted."  I says.  Hope looks so confused, I just roll my eyes. 

 " Follow me." I says in a up to something kind of voice , Hope is utterly confused on where I'm leading her but I think she has an idea on what I'm planing. 

(A/N:  Small time skip to the girls arriving at Magnus's place,  Hope's POV)

We arrive at some apartment billing  in the south of Brooklyn I think is this maybe Greenpoint  side of Brooklyn?  I don't know were we are going but I have an idea on what we are going to be doing,  I just don't know how we are going to get into a club with out ID?

 I mean we can try and sounds like a 21 year old but we look 17 year's old even with the clothes we bough today.   

We get to this weird looking door and Rosa-Bella stops and turns to face me with our signature Mikaelson  smirk.  Man she looks a lot like dad when she does that. 

 Rosa-Bella opens the door and walks in?!  Here I thought she would be the good one out of both us, guess I was wrong. 
 " you can put the bags in my room which is the one on the left down the hall, go pick out what ever you want to wear or use. I'll be in there soon" Rosa-Bella says, I nod my head and followed   her instructions.  

I open the door and the room looks so beautiful, I put the shopping bags on her bed.
"  who are you and why are you in my home?" A voice spoke out  causing me to turn around.  I see a guy with eye liner and a martini glass in his hand. 

" Hello, I'm Hope Mikaelson. Rosa-Bella's twin.  Who are you?" I  introduce myself as I held out my hand for him to  shake. 

The guy nods  his head , like his was expecting to meet me? he takes my hand and shakes it. 

 " It's great to meet you Hope Mikaelson. My name is  Magnus Bane." He says  introducing himself as he lets go from my hand. 

   Magnus  looks  behind me,  probably at the shopping bag that I bought for Rosa-Bella. 

 Magnus then looks back at me with a smile. 

  " I'm guessing Rosa-Bella took you shopping?"  Magnus asked in non-species kind of voice. 

 " No, these are for Rosa-Bella. I bought them for her." I told him, like it's  wasn't that big a deal.

Magnus eye want wide not really expending me to say that,  I can tell he's about to ask how.

" I'm more stubborn then Rosa-Bella. "  I told him. Magnus only nods his head, then Rosa-Bella comes in with two box's of stuff. 

Magnus looks worried for Rosa-Bella, honestly I am as well.  From what I saw from her memory's and what she told me this morning.  Rosa-Bella is on her last seconds before turning off her humanity switch or ending it all.  God I hope either happens. 

 " You girls have fun, Rosa-Bella please don't tell me you are not going to do what I'm think of?"  Magnus asked Rosa-Bella eyeing her carefully.  Rosa-Bella puts the box's down, by the bed. Wait when did the rest of the shopping bags where put on the bed?  

Rosa-Bella turns around to look at Magnus. 

 " Magnus, I'm okay. I won't break.  I'm just going to show Hope how to have fun for the night. "  Rosa-Bella says to him, which Magnus doesn't believe a single word of this but decides to let it go. 

I mean believe it but maybe it's better to be on his side since he's know her longer. 

Magnus says his goodbyes and Rosa-Bella turns back around to face me. 

 " these two boxes helped me get into clubs and get free drinks." Rosa-Bella says like it's no big deal.   Rosa-Bella smiles at the a memory she was remembering.    I mean I don't see the big fun in  embarrassing herself drunk then not  remembering it the next day. 

Rosa-Bella starts to go through the box's, I start to go through the other box as well.

( A/N: Small time skip)

After  three hours of trying to find the perfect outfit to go out tonight, we have finally found the perfect outfit for me at least. Rosa-Bella won't let me see what is going to wear.  Rosa-Bella  is currently getting ready,  she said I could use her bathroom, so I decided to have a shower.

(A/N: Small time skip also Hopes outfit for girls night  is up top 👆)

After I was done having a shower and getting ready, I start to look around Rosa-Bella's room. 
I noticed that Rosa-Bella is a very creative person, when it comes with photography.  One  picture catch my attention, the  picture is with  Alec and Rosa-Bella cuddling in bed with a sleeping  3 month old baby in Rosa-Bella's arms and Alec has a protective arms around the two girls.   

I have proof  Alec and Rosa-Bella are going to be my power couple.  

(A/N: The picture is down below 👇 also the guy is Alec and the girl is Rosa-Bella and the kid is Aurora. Just imagine the kid as  three month old baby girl)

I wonder would took this?  My niece looks so cute!  I wished I could have meet them both

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I wonder would took this?  My niece looks so cute!  I wished I could have meet them both. 

 I know mom and dad are still getting over the fact that they were  grandparent's.  Which is funny to even think about. 

  " She was truly the  happiest, baby girl. I've ever met." Magnus  says, from behind me.  When did he get here ? What supernatural creature is he? I can smell he is one but I don't know what he is. I decided to leave it and forces on the conversion. 

 " What was she like? " I asked curiously. I want to about my niece and maybe if I can see if I have another member for my ship. 

A/N: Thank you for reading, I hope you all have an amazing day.  


Long lost twinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن