Chapter 2

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The mutants of the Foot Clan returned to their base. They entered the throne room and knelt before their master. Rocksteady, who was carrying Leo's unconscious body, dropped the turtle in front of Shredder. "Our mission was successful Master Shredder." Tiger Claw said. Shredder smirked underneath his mask. "Excellent work." He said. He rose from his throne to examine Leo's body. He picked him up by his neck and looked him over. "Prepare the ceremony." Shredder ordered. His mutants nodded. Later, Leo laid in a dim room on a cold stone slab. He was surrounded by lit candles. Tiger Claw came in holding an ancient looking scroll. "You are certain this will work?" Shredder asked. "Yes, the spell should bend his mind to your will." Tiger Claw assured. "It better or there will be dire consequences." Shredder said. Tiger Claw nodded and clutched the scroll tighter. He let out a sigh and unfurled the scroll. The paper was filled with worn Japanese writing. "Begin." Shredder commanded. Tiger Claw began to read out the mantra. The candles surrounding the blue turtle flickered out. The smoke rising in the room. A soft white glow spread over Leo's body. It started from his head and worked its way down to the tips of his toes. As Tiger Claw finished the spell, the glow faded and the candles relit themselves. "Did it work?" Shredder asked. Tiger Claw rerolled the scroll while he stared at the unconscious turtle. "We will know when the sleeping drug wears off and he awakens." Tiger Claw replied. Shredder narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He hated being forced to wait. He ordered a pair of Footbots to take the turtle's body to an unoccupied room to await his awakening. In the sewers, the three remaining turtles arrived back at their lair. The walked inside looking solemn. They looked around and didn't see their Sensei around. Mikey plopped down on the couch. He buried his face in his hands. Donnie sat next to him and rubbed the back of his shell in comfort. "We need to tell Sensei." Donnie said. "I know I know just give me a minute." Raph said as he to sat on the sofa. "What are we even supposed to say?" Donnie asked as he stared at the floor. "We'll tell him the truth. We were ambushed, caught off guard. This wasn't any of our faults." Raph reassured. Donnie gave him a weak thankful smile. The were interrupted by the door to the dojo opening. "My sons you're home." Splinter said as he walked out. He could feel the aura of despair as soon as he entered the room. He looked at his sons and noticed their sad faces. "What happened?" He asked. He then noticed he saw only three of his sons. "Where is Leonardo?" He asked worriedly. "The Foot ambushed us. They captured him." Raph informed him. Splinter felt a stab of pain in heart. He kept his composure as best he could. He had to be strong for his sons. "Do not worry my sons. We will stop at nothing to save your brother." He said attempt to sound confident. Raph balled his hand into a determined fist. "You know it Sensei!" Raph said. Splinter gave him a pat on his shoulder. He let out a sigh. He didn't even want to think about what Saki could be doing to his child. Leo laid on top of the covers of a made bed. His blue mask and his other accessories were not longer on his body. Their whereabouts were unknown. Leo groaned as he cracked his eyes open. His head was pounding and his mind felt cloudy. He looked around the dimly lit room. It was mostly bare except for a few pieces of furniture. The door then opened and a tall figure entered the room. He was muscular and wore a sharp metal helmet. "Good you're finally awake." The man said in a deep voice. "W-who are you?" Leo asked confused. "You may call me Master Shredder." The man said.

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