Chapter 5

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The three turtles and their rat master stared in shock. "Leo what the heck are you doing?!" Raph shouted. "What, surprised to see me after you nearly beat me to death?!" Leo snapped back. He raised his sword at them. "What are you talking about?" Raph asked confused. "Enough talk." Shredder said bored with the conversation. He gave a flick of his wrist as stood from his throne. At the motion, more bots as well as the rest of the mutants of the Foot Clan entered. "Finish them." Shredder ordered as he extended his claws. Leo leapt at the turtles, slashing his katana. Raph blocked his blade with his sais, stopping it just before it impaled his youngest brother. He and Leo became intertwined in a duel. Donnie and Mikey worked their hardest to hold back the others. Together they were able to keep the mutants and bots at bay. Splinter ran to attack the Shredder. His eyes were lit up with fury. His cane was blocked by Shredder's claw. "What have you done to my son?!" Splinter yelled demanding answers. He knew in his heart his son would never agree to work for Shredder willingly. "You stole my daughter now I have stolen your son." Shredder said with a sickly evil chuckle. "Neither will ever be yours!" Splinter growled. Raph and Leo's weapons continued to clash against each other. "Leo what's wrong with you? Why are taking orders from Shredder?" Raph asked as they collided once more. "Because he's my master you idiot! And he's a far better master than that pathetic rat!" Leo answered coldly. "What?" Raph asked shocked. He couldn't believe he heard Leo talk so badly about their father. Leo was the one who respected and looked up to Splinter the most. Leo took the moment Raph was lost in shock and sweep kicked his legs. Raph's legs fell out from beneath him and he tumbled to the ground. "Cheap shot Leo!" Raph growled. He barely had time to roll out of the way before Leo's katana blade stabbed into his chest. "Leo I don't wanna fight you!" Raph said as he jumped to his feet. Although they bickered constantly Raph truly never wanted things to end up like this. "Too bad because I wanna fight you!" Leo replied giving his sword a twirl. Raph let out a frustrated sigh he fell back into a fighting stance. "My sons would never willingly join you! What have you done?!" Splinter demanded. He thrusted his weapon at Shredder accusingly. "I simply molded his mind into being my perfect warrior." Shredder said simply. Mikey and Donnie dodged blasts from Tiger Claw's ice gun. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!" Mikey cried out. "Me either! Sensei!" Donnie called. Splinter looked at his children struggling. He glanced at his eldest son ,now clad in dark armor, making a vow to himself to save him soon. "My sons, fall back!" Splinter yelled. "What about Leo?" Raph asked not wanting to leave his brother again. "Another time." Splinter told him. Splinter as well as Mikey and Donnie threw down smoke bombs. Raph reluctantly threw his own bomb moments later. The room was covered in a thick blanket of purple fog. Leo coughed as he swished a katana around clearing the smoke. "They escaped." He said through gritted teeth. "Do not worry, they will return and then we will claim our revenge." Shedder said surely. Leo gave a stiff nod as he sheathed his blade. The heroes recovered on the roof of building near their lair. "Why did we just leave?!" Raph shouted angrily. "It was not a battle we could've won Raphael." Splinter simply stated. "But they still have Leo." Raph reminded them. "It's not like he would've come back with us. He's gone all dark and evil on us." Mikey said waving his hands for emphasis. "He'd never join the Foot on his own. Shredder must've done something to him, but the question is what exactly." Donnie said. "Well whatever it is we're gonna figure out how to reverse it and get our big brother back!" Raph declared pounding his fist into his palm. Splinter let out a soft sigh. "I shall meditate on the matter. See if I can reach Leonardo and understand what has happened." He said. He could only hope he could figure out his son's ailment and if there was some way to save him. He bit back the cry that threatened to escape him, trying to remain strong for his three remaining sons. But he could not lose another child.

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