Chapter 10

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"What do you mean a solution?" Raph asked skeptically. He refused to get his hopes up to quickly. "Did you find something that can help us save Leo?!" Mikey asked excitedly. Splinter unfurled the scroll across the table. The turtle's eyes scanned over it. "What is it?" Raph asked. "It is a healing spell. An old spell meant to fix the effects of dark magic." Splinter explained. "Dark magic? Like what Shredder did to Leo? This could reverse the effects?" Donnie questioned. Splinter gave a short nod. "I believe so. I will be the one to cast the healing spell. Although I must practice first. We can not risk messing this up." Splinter said rubbing his chin. "Are you sure you can do this Sensei?" Raph asked. "I have rarely done any magic but I believe it will not be very different from the other healing mantras I've mastered." Splinter said with confidence. "Oh like those healing hands you use!" Mikey said. "Yes, I've learned the art of healing before. I do not think this magic will be very different." Splinter continued explaining. "How long will this take?" Raph asked sounding slightly impatient. "I am unsure. I must have completely mastered this spell. A single mess up could damage Leonardo's mind further." Splinter said. Raph sighed knowing his father was right. They couldn't risk rushing this operation. "I shall begin to train on this." Splinter said taking the scroll back. He began his walk back to the dojo. "Father wait!" Mikey said suddenly reaching his hand out. Splinter's steps paused and he looked back at his youngest turtle. "Can't you at least have dinner with us first?" Mikey asked hopefully. He flashed his father his famous puppy dog eyes. Splinter couldn't resist his son's request. He gave a soft laugh and walked back over to the table. He patted his orange son on the head before taking his seat. "I think I can spare a few moments." Splinter said with a smile. Mikey let out a triumphant cheer as he hopped into his seat beside his father. Leo slashed his sword at a wooden training dummy. His blade left permanent cuts in the wood. He didn't worry about his technique as he took his emotions out on the dummy. He didn't really know exactly what he was feeling anymore. Everything felt blurred together. There was anger and frustration but also confusion and sadness. "You're looking sloppy." Said a deep voice behind him. Leo jumped at the sudden booming voice. "Master Shredder." Leo addressed him as he bowed to his master. Shredder cupped a hand on Leo's shoulder. Although this time it felt tighter than usual. "Don't get sloppy on me." Shredder commanded. "I'll do better I promise!" Leo said sounding desperate to please. "You better, I do not tolerate failure." Shredder said menacingly. "I won't fail you!" Leo blurted out. Shredder gave Leo's shoulder a tighter squeeze before exiting wordlessly. Leo let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. A shiver ran down Leo's spine. Shredder's presence made the room feel colder instantly. Leo ran a hand down his face trying to compose himself. He couldn't let his anxiety show. He bit down on his cheek. A metallic copper taste filled up his mouth. Leo let out an agonized yell and he threw his sword behind him. The blade stabbed through the head of the wooden dummy. Leo spit at his feet. Red speckled saliva splattered on the ground. Leo barely glanced at it as he wiped it away with his foot. "Everyone thinks they know me. I don't even know myself anymore." Leo muttered to himself as he tugged on his katana hilt. The sword slid free with a couple pulls. "I just need everyone to shut up!" Leo yelled as he continued his assault on the dummy. Although this time he made sure his technique looked perfect, in case his master paid him another visit. Raph laid in bed on his side. He stared at the wall while playing with the of a poster. He missed having Spike, while Slash now he guessed, around. Usually spill all his emotions to the little tortoise. Now he just kept them bottled up inside. He could talk to his family but knew he'd just end up getting some sort of lecture or unwanted advice. Really he just needed someone to listen to him vent. He let out a long sigh as he sat up in his bed. His eyes were drawn to the photo of his brothers he'd stuck on his mirror. He'd forced his brothers to take a new photo after Slash had ruined the previous one. Leo's smiling face stared back at him. Raph wasn't sure how but he ended in the doorway of his older brothers room. It somehow looked messy and put together at the same time much like it's owner. Raph sat on Leo's messily made bed. He took a deep breath in through his nose. Leo's scent still lingered in the air. Raph laid back, feeling comforted by his brother's blankets. He let them wrap around him imagining they were his brother's arms instead. "I miss you Leo." Raph choked out covering his face with his hands.

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