Chp. 9

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Kentrell came down the stairs. When Kacey spotted him, he jumped off my lap and ran over to him. I smiled and shook my head.

A lot has happened since Ken was "murdered". I put quotations around it because Kentrell is not dead. We had to fake his death in order for people to give our family a break. With that whole shabang, it gave us a way to escape everything. We moved to L.A. in this big house in the cut which was surrounded by gates. We had guard dogs and security on the lookout everyday & hour

Kentrell proposed like he said he was & we are planning our wedding in a few months. Kacey is almost one. He was born the day before his daddy birthday & for the rest of my life ,I gotta hear about how their birthdays are a day apart.

Since Kentrell's death his boys have not seen him. He hasn't seen them because before he died, the people began to target them. Kentrell makes sure they come over here to have contact with Kacey.

No one knows that Kentrell is alive except me & his friends.

"Hey babe. Where y'all going?". Kentrell asked me as he scooped Kacey in his arms.

Jania & Kacey ^^

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Jania & Kacey ^^

"Im taking him to his god momma so we can have some alone time" I said as I got up off the couch

He nodded his head and put Kacey down. he adores his daddy; I think because they birthdays are so close so that's like his evil twin

"U wanna come wimme" I asked as I started smiling

"You know damn well I cant do that" he said as he grabbed my waist in pulled me in

"Mmm why not" I said in between the kisses he was giving me

"You know why" he said continuing kissing me

"Mhm" I said as I pulled away rolling my eyes

"Say dont act like that, imma be here when you get back" he said lifting my head up

" i know. I'll call you when im on the way back and see if you want any food. I love you" I said while walking out the door

"Aye aint you forgetting something" he asked me

"Um no, ion think so" I said walking back to the door

"Lemme show u" he said as he grips his hand around my neck and bring me in

He starts kissing me & I deepend it & he start unbuttoning my pants & slowly starts rubbing my treasure. I pull away because I had to go

"Mm daddy imma be back inna minute so we can finish" I said licking my lips

"That word gon get you fucked up, keep saying it" he said smirking

I started laughing & got into the car 

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