He walked into the living room and picked up a shirt from the sofa that he had placed their earlier. How could he possibly forget? I bet he did it just to annoy me. Stupid vampire.

"There's nothing different about that shirt."

"There is. Now let's go." He said after he finished putting on his leather jacket.

He sat in the drivers seat of my car and I gave him a stone hard glare that could kill. He cowered back in his seat a little bit. I just got in the passenger's, not in the mood to argue.

"I just thought that I'd be able to drive faster." He said putting the key in the ignition.

"Whatever." I said and rolled my window down a bit. I put the radio on full blast and we sang a long to the songs that came on. We rolled our windows down all the way and sang at the top of our lungs, out of tune, just to annoy people on the highway.

Somewhere in between our awful singing, I must've fallen asleep because I found myself awoken by Damon's loud scream in my ear.

He left my side of the door open just so I would get scared and fall out and that's exactly what happened.

"What the hell Damon?!" I yelled and he just kept laughing. I groaned and got off the pavement and brushed myself off.

"Where are we?" I asked and he smirked.

"We are at a café. The witchy we are looking for owns this place." He said looking towards the entrance of the café.

I just nodded and we both entered making as much noise as possible. The only reason people come to little places like this is to get some peace and quiet, and then people like me and Damon come along and ruin that for them.

We went to the counter.

"Where's the chick that owns this place?" Damon asked the cashier guy.

"She's not gonna sell the café to you." He said.

"Who says we want this boring a** place anyways?" I asked and made a disgusted face. The guy just stared at us and entered the back doors that probably led to the kitchen

About a minute later, a girl who looked twenty five came out. She probably used her witchy mojo to slow down her aging. Cheater.

"How may I help you guys today?" She asked.

"You know we are vampires, I know your a witch....." I said making gestures to her as if to say let's just get to the point.

She nodded. "I'm Ramsey."

"Ramsey? The guy who won the world cup in '66?" Damon asked.

"Yep. And it's also my name. So what brings you here?" She asked.

"We need to know how to find a way to destroy the moonstone?" I said then eyed her suspiciously. 

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I'll keep your secret, but I need some encouragement." She said. I rolled my eyes and Damon lifted his eyebrows. The only thing Damon probably has is a credit card and some bills, since he usually just compels his way through everything and if he can't do that then that's where the credit card comes in.

I opened my hand bag and pulled out a wad of cash. It was five thousand dollars.

"You tell anyone, and I will personally come and haunt you down then torture you so much, you'll be begging for death." I threatened looking right into her eyes to let her know I was serious. She looked frightened but composed herself and nodded.

"If you go north 150 km from here, you'll find a house. There will be a gate. The only way you'd be able to get through is if you were human, and clearly your not. The warlock is powerful and protects himself a lot. I could make you bracelet's that will allow you to enter. Once you enter shake hands with him to let him know you mean no harm and you should be okay from there."

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