Get Through The Night🍁

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck?"

My phone started ringing. It was my dad.

Jisung looked at me. "Don't answer it" He sounded so stern it almost scared me too. "I have to" I started to feel small.

Jisung sighed and nodded. "Put it on speaker" I decided to do that much.

"Hello.." I answered.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you have done you piece of shit?"

I looked at Jisung. He bit his lip. "What-"

"You have some fucking nerve" He continued. "You better have a good fucking excuse for this shit.. Not going to university?? Do you know what we do to send you there!?"

"You ungreatful bastard" He spat. My eyes widened. "What is it huh? Are you being bullied or something?"

"No I-"

"Don't fucking speak!" He cursed. "You mean absolutely nothing. All you fucking do is make up lies to make you seem better"

"You're a depressed, worthless, stupid little fa-"

Jisung hung up the phone. He took my phone in his hand and tossed it aside.

He let out a sigh. "I'm going to kill him" I never heard him sound so angry before. I've heard him angry. This was a whole other level.

He was furious.

"Is this what all those phone calls are like?" He asked. I nodded slowly. I just wanted to curl up and cry. My mom I could handle. My dad was another story. He terrified me.

I was already believing everything he said on the phone. "You're dad.. That man.. Did he do those things to you" He lightly placed his hand on my stomach.

I let out a soft cry before nodding. Jisung let out a other low sigh. "I'm going to fucking kill him"

"They're going to the dorms.." I mumbled quietly. "They don't know where you live... Let's leave it that way"

Jisung sighed. "I'm calling Felix first" He grabbed his phone and dialed Felix's number. I've never seen Jisung so serious about things like this before.

He had his own issues to deal with yet he's already stepping in to make sure I'm safe. If you're thinking - because he loves you, yes I know that but it still seems like a lot for someone to do.

Especially considering the situation at hand.

"Lix, look I'm not going to tell you what's after happening but if Minhos parents show up please tell them he's out doing shopping or something"

I scooted closer to Jisung for comfort. My heart was pounding. Jisung felt my precense and wrapped an arm around me. I let myself melt into his touch.

"No don't tell them he's dead!" He tutted. "It wouldn't make things go away" He rolled his eyes. "Because he was just talking to him!!"

There was a pause. Jisung sighed. "No We're not gonna pull a Veronica Sawyer card"

Veronica Sawyer for those who don't know is a girl who pretended to commit suicide to get away from her crazy ex. Weird 80s movie but great musical.

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