Chapter 6: hellfire and party time

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When y/n got to her car she was blushing and turning in her seat freaking out. "Holy shit.. I can't believe I just gave EDDIE MUNSON A KISS ON THE CHEEK". Y/n was saying to herself. After y/n finally calmed down she drove home. By the time she got home it was 5:30. It was very quiet. So she went to get some water and noticed a note on the fridge "gone out to a party be home later" -Steve. "Well at least I don't have to deal with his bullshit" y/n said pouring a glass of water. She grabbed her glass of water and a yogurt and went and sat down on the couch and turned on her favorite show. Butch Cassidy and the Sun danced kid. By the time the movie was over y/n lost track of time and it was already 7:45. "HOLY SHIT- NO NO NO" y/n said running upstairs. She threw on some jeans and a t shirt. She fixed her hair a little bit and put on some new mascara. The clock read 7:50. "Omg I got to go now omg omg omg" y/n was freaking out, she quickly put on some new deodorant. She was driving to the school as fast as she could and it was 7:55. So she got out and went to where the dnd club usually plays their games. She tried to open the door but it was locked. "Uh, Eddie? It's y/n." but there was no answer. "Eddie? EDDI-" suddenly cold hands grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "Jesus Eddie you scared me!"
Y/n said grabbing Eddie's hands "sorry I was just going to the bathroom but come on in." Eddie said opening the door for y/n. When y/n walked in she saw a throne. Pillows and chairs and it looked super cozy and comfy. "Wow" y/n said "what you don't like it?" Eddie said with a sad tone. "Huh? Oh no I love it! It's so pretty and cozy in here." Y/n said smiling while looking around. "So I take it this is your throne?" Y/n said running her fingers across the cold markings. "Yesss! This is my baby. Well, my second baby behind my guitar." Eddie said laughing. Y/n laughed with him. "you know, just a day ago we hated each-other and now i feel-" Eddie was cut off by the sound of knocking at the door. "Oh I'll get that" Eddie said. Eddie answered the door and all the dnd members came in. "Eddie!" Dustin said as he pat his back. "What's up Henderson!" Eddie said smiling. All the other members came in and they saw y/n. "Oh, hey y/n I didn't know you liked dnd" mike said. "Oh ya I used to play it." Y/n said while playing with her fingers. "Don't you and Eddie. Like, hate each other?" Dustin said with a confused face. "We've worked out out differences" Eddie said winking at y/n. "Gross"one of the club members said. "Alright let's get this thing started!" Eddie said clapping his hands.

Towards the end of the dnd match:
"Dustin your roll! You can either cast a protection spell or finish him off" Eddie said in a scary voice. "Finish him!" Mike said. "No no to risky cast protection!" One of the other club members said. "FIREBALL!" Dustin yelled. Everyone cheered as he rolled the number he needed meaning they had won. Everyone walked out of the door and went outside as they started cheering.
"Ok bye losers I'm going to bed" mike said as he got on his bike. "Ya same. Bye guys!" Dustin said as he started riding his bike. Now it was just y/n and Eddie. "That was a good game Munson" y/n said with a smile. "Hell ya it was!" Eddie said clapping his hands. "Hey do you want me to take you home?" Eddie said in a low voice. "Ya! That would be perfect. I'll come get my car after the party." Y/n said as she climbed into Eddie's van. Eddie turned on Metallica and y/n started humming. "You know Metallica!?" Eddie asked. "Duh!" Y/n shouted and went back to singing. When Eddie pulled up to y/n's house he turned off the music and unlocked the door. "Thank you for the ride" y/n said while looking into Eddie's glistening eyes. "No problem madam" Eddie said winking at y/n. Right as y/n was going to climb out she turned to Eddie "you know Munson, you still owe me a white dress from first grade." Y/n said leaning closer. "Oh but purple looks so much better on you" and just then Eddie leaned forward and y/n's lips landed on Eddie's. His lips were soft. They tasted like beer and strawberry
chapstick. The kiss lasted for about 3 seconds until they both pulled away. "Thanks for the great night y/n" Eddie said blushing. "My pleasure" y/n said as she went in for one last kiss before going inside. When y/n got inside her door she was smiling while leaning on her front door. "Holy shit." Y/n said smirking as she ran upstairs to get ready for the party. When she got to her room the clock read 11:15 meaning she had 45 minutes to get ready for the party. "I really hate parties but I'm going for my best friend" y/n said to herself. "Alright. It's party time" y/n said as she got what she wanted to wear and headed for the shower.

Next chapter: the party people

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