Chapter 5. Last day of school

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It was the next day. The very last day of school. Y/n couldn't wait. Her best friend Chrissy was throwing a party at her house after school so she was obviously gonna go.
Lunch time:
"Our last lunch till summer!!" Chrissy said with s huge smile. "I know right! I can't believe summer is already here." Y/n said smiling. Eddie kept looking over at y/n and Jason noticed. "Why does that freak keep staring at you y/n?" Jason said giving Eddie a death stare. "Oh, I have no idea" y/n said smiling at Eddie slightly. It was finally the last period of the school year and y/n didn't pay attention to anything. "Miss Harrington.. Miss Harrington!" Y/n sat up. "No sleeping in my class. I don't care if it's the first or last day of school. Rules are rules." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Mr Curtis would like to see the project you and Eddie had to do yesterday." Y/n shook her head. And before she knew it, it was time to leave. Although she couldn't run out of the school because she had to wait for Eddie she still cheered outside the door. When everyone left the halls y/n and Eddie walked to room 309 to show mr Curtis what they had done yesterday. "We're hereeeeeeeeee!!" Eddie said blowing an imaginary horn. "Mr Munson enough" mr Curtis said. "What are u gonna do?? Suspend me." Eddie said laughing. Y/n let out a small chuckle. "Anyways." Eddie said. "Here is the project u asked me and y/n to do." Eddie said handing mr Curtis the project. "Well my. You guys actually did it!" Mr Curtis said smiling at the project. "Well duh" I said. "You guys have a good summer." Mr Curtis said waving. "You to!" Mr and Eddie said at the same time. "Heyyy copycat." Eddie said laughing and lightly hitting my shoulder. "Oh shut it Munson u copied me" I said laughing bumping his shoulder harder. Me and Eddie laughed when all the sudden he asked.
"Do you wanna go to the hell fire campaign tonight? I promise it's not a cult it's just a weird fantasy game that i play with some of my friends." Eddie said making sure I didn't feel uncomfortable. "Oh no I know I promise I'm not like Jason and all of them. I actually used to play dnd myself. I just got busy and I know it's nothing to do with a cult." Y/n said smiling. "Ok good." Eddie said with a relived sigh. "So what time is it gonna be at?" Y/n said realizing she had Chrissy's party to go to. "Well it starts at 8 and ends at whenever we win." Eddie said. "Perfect! That will give me enough time cause Chrissy's party is at 12!" Y/n said. "Sooo you wanna go?" Eddie said asking nervously. Y/n didnt say anything at first. Instead, she pulled Eddie down by his collar and kissed his cheek. "See u at 8 Munson" y/n said turning away and walking out the door. Eddie just stood there smiling while a pink tint ran over his face.

Next chapter. Hellfire and party time

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