He did carry me--

Say what?

"Too heavy?! Excuse me, my body's in good shape and I don't weigh like yours!" I glared at him.

Grazing his tongue to wet his lower lip, the side of his lips rose to a smirk as he chuckled, shaking his head at the same time. "Girls will be girls," he mutters.

"I was just kidding. You know how to manage time well, all your duties are up to you, unless you ask me to add a few." he cocks his brow.

"No, thank you, your "jokes" are enough treat for me."

"That's kind of harsh but accepted."

"You know, sometimes, I get thoughts that you bumped your head on the thickest wall in the palace as to why you changed from a serious and have no time for games, jokes, nonsense but funny talks to an unhumurous jokester," I told him.

"That's out of the line, and that's an insulting way to describe me but I'll allow it, only for one time."

"How about your friends then?"

"That's different. I've known them a long time and we've only been close for what? A couple of weeks? Pfft." he snorts.

"You can't just say those were just a couple of weeks, a lot of things happened in the same couple of weeks you're mentioning, Your Majesty."

"Quite right, kind of wanted to insult you as much as I can this day," he smirks up again, I gasped in the most dramatic way ever.

"You know what, do what you want, you just be prepared if I get fed up and start beating you up with your own sword."

"I like a good fight, my Queen." he winks, I rolled my eyes in annoyance, returning to eat.

But deep inside, there's this smile I'm refraining to form on my lips and display it. This is just one of our normal bickerings since we get closer and my heart's acting up. It never acted this way during the early times we have been doing this, just now.

Should I seek medical attention? What would the Physician tell me though? He'll see this as normal. He'll probably say I'm just stressed out from doing loads of work on top of another load of work.

I can totally help myself out.

Weren't I?

Later that day, we got a letter, that came from the same official who Jungkook had sent our marriage documents to see and check if we are applicable to apply for divorce. Well, it was Jungkook who applied for one as I can't. Women in Goguryeo can never apply for divorce unless their husbands apply for one.

Only a divorce would be allowed if one of the conditions of Chilgeojiak was not obeyed. Chilgeojiak means Seven Divorce Conditions.

This is the moral code for Korean wives, they are expected to observe their actions and do anything they can to avoid making it seem they are defying these conditions.

The husband can only ask for divorce if the wife; is showing disobedience to her in-laws, inability to bear a son, adultery, jealousy, has a hereditary disease, being talkative, and theft.

Possibly, Jungkook has chosen the sixth option, first and foremost, I have been respectful to his family, I have no any man behind, there's also no way I'll be jealous of him, as I'm contented with what I have, most especially if he's talking with other girls.

What's there to be jealous of, to be honest?

My family has no history of having any terminal diseases that have no cure, I didn't also steal anything from him... but stealing a servant's Eunjangdo can be a yes for this but he didn't know. Or maybe he does.

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