Chapter 9 Data Hive

Start from the beginning

The whole facility was on lockdown, and it didn't take Elizabeth long to find out why.

???: Why Yanme'e not yet seal this entrance?

???: Too busy building fancy spit house!

A pair of Grunts walked passed a service station, unaware of the ODST hiding on the other side of the desk. . .

Grunt 1: Nah. If traitor escape, it their fault, not ours.

Elizabeth: . . . (Eyes narrow) Traitor?

When the chance arose, the soldier crept out from under the desk and began to traverse down the path, hiding behind terminals and crates to avoid the sparse amount of Covenant.

Soon, she crossed a small hall, and entered a second wide corridor. A pair of Jackals approached from her left, soon rounding the corner. A knife thrusted into one of their throats almost instantly! The second Jackal raised it's weapon, but a second blade punctured its chest and was violently torn out. Bright blue blood gushed out of the wound, the alien dying in seconds. . .

Elizabeth: (Breathes) Too close.

She holstered the Spiker back onto her hip and peered around the corner to see a squad of Grunts in her way. . . Grabbing one of the Jackal's Energy Shields, she drew her Silenced Magnum.

Grunt 3: Alarm! Intruder, in tunnels!

The ODST fired up her blue shield, the hail of green plasma striking it! Quiet bullets flew back, the Grunts falling quick as the Energy Shield absorbed the heat. The second the last Grunt fell, the soldier threw her shield onto the Grunts approaching from the first corridor, hastily making a break for the white hallway at the end of the path!

The moment she was encompassed in light, the girl hit the control panel and shut the doors behind her.

Elizabeth: Ha! Good luck getting through that.

With a satisfied smirk on her face, Elizabeth continued on her way, passing by a circular room with a large data-stack in its center. A beep filled her ears, her head snapping to the terminal attached to the massive cylinder. . .


A robotic voice, a cheerful one at that, had just spoken through the screen.

Elizabeth: . . . That's. . . Weird.

One of the preciously locked hallways suddenly opened.

Elizabeth: And that's even weirder. . .

She didn't need to wait long to find out. Upon arriving in a second room with a data-stack, and looking on to the next tight hall, the soldier was met with a Covenant squad, led by a Brute Major!

Elizabeth: Expect delays! Expect delays!

Throwing herself onto the wall before the hall, red and green plasma bursting out of the opening and scorching the data-stack! Elizabeth grabbed a Frag Grenade and primed it, letting out a groan as she did.

Elizabeth: So much for doing this quietly!

Tossing the explosive, she waited for the screams and the boom before peeking with her BR, firing bursts from her weapon and quickly downing the now unshielded Brute! Whatever Grunts and Jackals were still alive didn't last much longer in the chaos.

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