Chapter 9 Data Hive

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The body of a Brute Chieftain collapsed onto the street, a three bullet shells falling alongside it. Bits and pieces of blue and gold metal littered the roads, the blades of Spikers and Brute Shots drenched in blood of just about every color but red. . . The black of plasma burns stained the walls and pavement, the feint glow of Plasma Rifles and Pistols dimly lighting the shadowy street. . .

Standing at the edge of darkness, gusts of wind blowing at her figure and attempting to stop her from taking a single step forward, was Elizabeth.

The young woman's deep violet eyes scanned the area, ignoring the countless bodies stretched across the dead-end. Without her helmet, her VISR, it wasn't exactly easy to tell where exactly she was going. The ODST was relying on what often led her and her late partner across New Mombasa all night. . .

The everlasting rings of the telephones.

The Rose knew something was amiss. They had to lead somewhere, and she was determined to travel to the ends of the Earth if it meant finding exactly what. . .

And that she was damn sure she'd done just that. A venomous glare met the insignia of the Office of Naval Intelligence. . .

Elizabeth: ONI. . . I guess Aunt Sapphire wasn't kidding when she said they had a hand in just about everything. . .

A set of sliding doors began to open, only to soon jam. With a sigh, Lizzie slung her Battle Rifle onto her back and grasped the opening, gritting her teeth as she tried to pry it open. It budged just enough for her to fit in sideways. . . but she was greeted by a bottomless elevator shaft, the cable dangling in its center.

Elizabeth: (Sighs) Welp. . . Feet first into Hell, I guess.

The Hell Jumper took a deep breath and threw herself towards the cable. Despite making it and gripping it tight, the girl's momentum sent her crashing into a wall before she hung limply on the rope.

Elizabeth: Ow. . .

'Amethyst' slowly began her descent into the depths, leaving the Hell that was New Mombasa behind. . . .


They've got me cornered! I'm low on ammo! If you can hear me, I'm on sub-level nine, near station t-

A thump echoed across the dark chamber, the dim red of emergency lights hardly providing any form of sight. Elizabeth hopped off the elevator cart and pulled out her Battle Rifle, attaching a flashlight to its side and lighting up the shadows. . .

The soldier tapped her earpiece, activating her Comlink.

Elizabeth: This is Corporal Elizabeth Rose. Captain Dare, do you copy? I repeat, this is Corporal Rose. Can anyone hear me. . .?

Only static filled her eyes.

Elizabeth: . . . Worth the shot, I guess.

The light levitated to the walls of the room, illuminating a scratched and dull but still readable sign.

Sublevel 7

Elizabeth: Two levels down, huh? Okay. . . I can do that.

Dead ahead was a doorway, the lights glowing green. Just beyond it was a wide open corridor, gradually leading downwards. The dark walls were lined with consoles and terminals, ONI's libraries of data blinking orange and clashing with the dim red panels on the ceiling. . .

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