Chapter 5 ONI Alpha Site

Start from the beginning

Amethyst: Oh my god, OH MY GOD?!

She let out a pained gasp and fell to one knee, tightly gritting her teeth as tears stung her eyes, the pain completely overwhelming her.

Her teammate quickly knelt beside her and reached into his medical pack, pulling out bandages and a spray can of bio-foam, dousing the thick material in the fluid before taking Amethyst's hand. She resisted out of instinct, only to wince upon feeling the air blow at her burns. . .

The Rookie gently laid the bandages against her and methodically wrapped her palms and fingers.

Amethyst: (Breathing heavily) Th. . . Thank you.

The first aid was a bit crudely done, but any sort of relief from that searing pain made it invaluable to her. . .

Rookie: . . .

She tried to move her fingers, and it hurt like hell, but it was infinitely better than before.

Amethyst: I-It's. . . bearable now. Really, thanks.

Rookie: . . .

The Pilot's visor cleared, showcasing her pale skin and black hair, the lavender highlights glowing beside her deep violet eyes and shaky smile.

Amethyst: Yeah. . . We do make a pretty good team.

The ODSTs soon began heading for the next waypoint, moving as cautiously for the time being, giving Amethyst as much time as she needed to recover. . .

However, the Covenant were not too keen on just letting that happen. As the pair neared the entrance to a tunnel with the ONI insignia on the center of its blast door. . . The Pilot's eye caught a very feint light on a distant rooftop. . .

Amethyst: MOVE-

She shoved the Rookie onto the ground, a beam of plasma grazing her helmet as she fell onto him! They crawled behind a set of tall barricades, hidden from the Sniper Jackal and the small Covenant force approaching from the bottom of what was once a UNSC checkpoint. . .

Amethyst: Hey, did you grab any grenades from those Brutes earlier?

Rookie: (Nods)

Amethyst: Okay, give them to me! You get rid of that sniper. In case you haven't noticed, my aim is going to be worse than ever. . .

The Rookie gave no argument and grabbed a nearby Sniper Rifle, pulling out the magazine to see there was just one shot left. . .

Amethyst: The second that thing is down, make a run for the tunnel. We don't have to fight these guys. . .

Priming yet another flashbang, the ODST tossed it into the air and shielded her eyes, letting it stun the Covenant with its light! She nodded to the Rookie and he laid down the Sniper Rifle, zooming in on the Jackal and firing the only bolt straight through its head!

Lizzie wasting no time tossing two Plasma Grenades into the tumbling Grunts and Jackals, not bothering to wait and see if they were even in range of explosions! The Troopers made a mad dash for the blast door and hit the panel, the massive gate sliding open. . .

Amethyst: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

A party of at least fifteen Grunts stood on the other side, all of them raising their Plasma Pistols at once and aiming them at the ODSTs. . .

With a quick draw of his Magnum, the Rookie downed three of the enemies before barging into Amethyst, pushing her behind a police car as he took a shot to the arm! His armor held strong and shook it off, swapping to his SMG and raining lead on the Grunts, not dealing a whole lot of damage, but definitely striking terror into their hearts!

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