Camden Night Rumm-Edging

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"Oh he better not wake, Clarissa or Hugo," Dylan muttered.

"I agree," Dawkins replied with an agreement. "This won't be good when they'll wake up."

Double D also agreed with a nod.

"Relax guys!" Eddy said as he and Dolly brought some beach chairs and popcorn. "This is rich!"

"Yeah!" Dolly agreed, taking a bag of popcorn while Eddy had the other one. "Let's get in the front row and enjoy the greatest show in the world!"

"Seriously?" Dylan asked as they watched Ed eating the food in Clarissa's and Hugo's house. Dylan looked at Dolly and asked:

"...Are you gonna share those?"

While they were watching the spectacle before them, Ed ingests the whole Melon. This is nothing compared to what he does next, however; he eats a whole armful of food. He then uses a piece of bread to wipe his face. Ed tosses the bread in the air and catches it with his mouth.

"That was actually pretty good," Dylan said impressed, while Da Vinci nodded in agreement as she has taken some of the popcorn.

"I can't figure it out, just where he puts this stuff," Dolly commented.

"Wish I knew, Floppy-" Eddy said before he heard something and looked through the window and noticed that Ed was gone. "You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Dog!" DJ exclaimed as he and others went inside the house and looked around in the kitchen. "Where did the big guy go?"

"You think he swallowed himself?" Dawkins asked before everyone heard Clarissa screaming words:


Everyone goes to check where the scream was. Eddy opened the door to the room where Hugo sleeps, but what caught their attention was Ed... Who had Clarissa in his mouth.

"Oh my-" Dylan said before the door to Hugo's room was closed by Eddy.

"Good thing I am a dog of the world..." Dolly commented.

"I'm terrified beyond rational thought. I can't look at it!" Dawkins said covering his eyes.

"Relax there freckles," Eddy said. "I've seen this already. What's gonna be odd is that Ed will spit Clarissa out."

Eddy then opened the door to reveal Clarissa standing as she was shaking with salivia all over her. Dawkins peeked in and as he noticed Clarissa unharmed he sighed in relief:

"Oh thank dog."

"Let's go!" Dolly said going to look for Ed. "I don't wanna miss Ed getting a heartburn!"

"Don't forget about me, Floppy!" Eddy said following her, before the rest followed them suit.

The group followed the trail of food that leads to the park.

"Bow wacka wow, dudes!" Dolly exclaimed as they looked around. "Look at that! Ed must have ate the whole Camden Town!"

"Ooh, what a mess!" Dylan exclaimed not happy. "This is worse than mess from the youngest siblings!"

"I agree with Dylan there," Dawkins said agreeing with him. "Sleepwalking and eating everyone's food is one thing. But LITTERING?"

"Trust me," Double D said rubbing his head. "I know what you mean."

"Check it out, guys!" Eddy said as he and Dolly noticed something and ran towards it. "Ed ate a whole box of bran muffins!"

"Not to mention the box of the whole doggy-treats pack!" Dolly said showing an empty pack of doggy treats from the other box.

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