Egyptian Cotton

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Thursday afternoon was one to remember for Harry, the students were finally starting to brew Amortentia in class, Severus made sure it was followed by his recipe exactly. Many warnings were spoken about before the students were allowed to touch any ingredients, being told how dangerous it could be if handled the wrong way.

Harry watched in excitement as Severus placed ingredients on his desk, the students slowly came up and took what they needed when it was their turn. "It's been a while since I've seen gold cauldrons, their quite expensive."

"And dangerous Harry, we had to borrow these from the Potion's department of the Ministry for today and tomorrow." Severus replenished the rose pedals and Ashwinder eggs. "They have to be returned on Saturday clean as a whistle."

Harry smiled at the muggle expression. "What happens to all the Amortentia after the students make it? You said your version is stronger than normal."

"The ministry will destroy most of it." Severus was writing down a list of the proper ingredients to give the students once they finished their brew. "But Horace and I will be keeping a small few that are made the best, you are welcome to keep one if you so choose to."

"Alright students! It's time to start! You have 30 minutes to figure out the proper ingredients from the notes you've taken this week! At the end of your finished potion Professor Snape will hand out the correct ingredient list and brewing instructions, we wish you good luck on making the perfect Amortentia!!!" Harry announced with a proud smile.

Severus stacked a tall pile of rose pedals. "There's a house elf at the door, go see what he wants."

Harry furrowed his brow, looking down the isle to see a little house elf looking through the crack of the door, it's little fingers curling around the edges. "Sure, be right back."

"MESS!!!" Severus's voice shook, smacking a student upside the head for a huge spill of glowing pink slime. "Infirmary now!" He shouted.

The pink slime covered girl cried as she ran out of the classroom, pink footprints squished on the ground.

Harry suppressed a giggle as we walked by, kneeling down infront of the elf. "Hello there! No need to be so scared, what have you come to say?"

The house elf was very thrown by Harry's kind nature, fumbling with it's fingers. "Mr. Potter your package has arrived at your rooms, and this." The elf handed him a letter.

Harry looked at the letter, glaring when he saw the handwriting. "Thank you, can you do me a favor? Go unpack the package and set it up for me please?"

The elf looked like it might cry at such polite words. "Yes Mr. Potter! As you wish."

"Hang on!" Harry took it's little hand. "What is your name?"

The elf blinked. "Ebony Sir."

"Thank you Ebony, please do as I asked and go set up my package, help yourself to some food when you finish." Harry stood up, walking back to Severus's desk.

The little elf meekly smiled, disappearing down the hall.

Severus raised a brow. "It was awfully small, young I suppose. What did it want?" He asked.

" new bed set came in the mail, I asked him to go set it up...and this." Harry shakily handed the note to Severus.

"Who is it from?" Severus asked, reading the print on the front.

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