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Harry woke up the next morning with a note on his door from Hagrid, needing him to deliver the 5 high grade healing potions to St. Mungo's. There was a portkey set up outside Pomona's green house with instructions on where to bring the items. Harry was excited that he was entrusted with his first errand, hoping this was his first chance to prove his usefulness.

Harry fashioned a black leather belt that would carry the potions around his hips, making the delivery hands free. He ran across the entrance hall, zipping up his sweatshirt as he left.

The yard was covered in fog and mist that filled the chilly air, the sun barely up. The summer heat was gone, bringing the first feel of the fall breeze.

Harry placed his hand on the clay pot outside the vine covered window, being violently transported to the front reception desk on the first floor of St. Mungo's. He clumsily stood to his feet after being thrown sideways.

"Rough transport? Don't worry you'll get better at it as you age!" A small female voice said.

Harry looked infront of him to see a pretty blonde woman at the front desk, she was very small and petite. "Hi umm I was instructed to deliver some potions?" He questioned, motioning to the bottles on his belt.

"Oh yes! Please go to the 4th floor! Ask one of the Healers to direct you to their potions lab." The little woman smiled, pointing to the direction of the stairwell. "So nice seeing you Mr. Potter!"

Harry nodded. "Thank you, should I come back here after I'm done or?"

"Oh no no the Wizard's upstairs will give you an option on how you wish to travel back!" She handed Harry a visitors pin.

Harry smiled one last time, clipping the enamel pin to his chest. "Bye." He walked over to the stairs.

The further Harry went up, the quieter it seemed to become. All the hustle and bustle of visitors and crowded levels of staff seemed to dwindle away by the time he opened the 4th floor door. The air was quiet and calm, the smell of sandalwood incense burning filled the halls.

"Hello?" Harry called out hushed like.

"Can I help you? Oh my! Harry Potter come to visit someone today???" An older man came over to greet Harry, trying to hold his composure.

"Yes well umm...I don't know where to go, but I'm supposed to deliver these high grade healing potions." Harry pointed to his belt.

"Oh we've been expecting those! Now let's see...ah yes you can go down the hallway furthest to the waiting room." The man flipped through some papers attached to his clipboard. "The potions lab is the last door on the left."

"Thank you." Harry started walking towards the waiting room.

The older man watched him till he was out of sight, silently holding his enthusiasm and excitement inside.

Harry was nervous at how quiet and still everything was, but he knew it had to be calm with so many memory impaired and long term spell injured people. This was not the first time he had been to the Janus Thickey ward.

The lab door was closed with a privacy note taped on the door knocker.

Please do not knock or disturb!!!

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