RM stand up from his seat and stretched himself a little because of sitting for this long hours in one place only. Then he turned towards Minho and said

RM - Minho now it is fully hacked and you can go through the phone inside as much as you want and no one can be able to figure out that phone is hacked now.

Minho - Thank you so so much RM boss. I from the first knew that you will be the only one who will help me in this situation .

RM - Mention not Minho, but one more thing Minho do make sure to catch the person who made the security of the phone. Mr. Lee has used the phone that we have launched last year. So the phone is made by our company but someone has changes the internal features and coding of the phone which made it difficult for our hackers to hack it. So make sure to find that person who have done it. Lets make the use of that person for our profit. Okay now I will take my leave.

With that RM left the place to go to his company as he left all his work load on his secretary. So he stroll back to company to see how is work going in his absence.

Once when RM left Minho sit in the place where RM was sitting while hacking and started going inside the phone and take all the information which was going on with Wang Han Jae and Mr. Lee. Minho was totally shocked and panicked to his core when he got to know about the deal on selling and buying madam Jeon Y/n.

Minho ordered all the guard and spies present there to be all alert and keep eye on whole Lee family as moment of action can come any moment so they should be prepared both physically and mentally. He don't wanted any on them to experience Jungkook's wrath.

After getting all the information Minho was just a little bit relieved as he got the time till tomorrow morning as he read the full chat between Mr. lee and Wang Han Jae. But still he know that he have to hurry up thing as things can go worse in any second.

Minho was in his car going towards the companies main headquarter building to meet Jungkook and tell him the whole thing that have happened. He was internally praying to not to encounter Jungkook's anger and he is panicking a little from inside and cannot help it. Minho wanted to drive the car to its fullest speed to reach the destination as soon as possible but he cannot because if by chance he got caught by traffic management police that it will take even more time to reach so he decided to drive in normal speed limit.

Eventually as soon as Minho reached his destination, he run towards the private elevator which directly connects to the Jungkook office floor. He took out his ID card from his pocket and press in on the side of the touch screen present beside the elevator to open it.

As it is a private elevator so only few people and officials have the excess to it. As it is the main headquarter of the whole JK infinite empire from where the King of the whole empire look after his empire, so the security is always high 24/7 in this whole area.

Eventually when Minho reached the main office floor he met with another secretary of Jungkook named Wang Sang Jun (another secretary of JK who manage all his legal work and also Minho best friend) and asked him that whether Jungkook is in a meeting or not.

Minho - Sang, does boss is attending a meeting right now?

Sang Jun - no by Taehyung boss and Jimin boss is inside in cabin for discussing about ongoing projects

Minho - I want to meet him urgently its really important. Do something

Sang Jun - I can't do anything just wait for few minutes because their meeting is going to get over soon. And you know it yourself that how serious he gets while discussing about his projects. Till then take a seat, breath and have something, you are looking really tired.

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