Prologue: Alya

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"Long ago, in the beginning of time. In China during the 7th century. A classic Chinese tale that has and is populated by many centuries up till now, a novel. A novel that contains spiritual lessons from Buddhism. Known as The Journey To The West.

Contains many stories and literature within the story through out time.

But not as much stories as the characters that are in them.

Such as Zhu Bajie, Pigsy the commander in chief of the Heavenly solders but was soon kicked out of Heaven. But soon helps Tripitaka, as he wishes to be forgiven

Sha Wujing, Sandy the river demon but seeks forgiveness and come back to Heaven.

The White Dragon Horse, who carry Tripitaka throughout the Journey as to also seeking forgiveness.

Tang Sanzang, Tripitaka the monk and messenger of the True Scriptures

Only one stood out throughout The Journey To The West by the popular but mighty warrior known as Sun Wukong. The Monkey King, The Great Sage equal to Heaven.

As his own story begins by birthing out from a stone egg, up to challenges against Heaven and its heavily army. The one Monkey who challenged Buddha himself but has been locked away over five hundred years by the Five Elements Mountain.

But was soon set free if promised to keep Tripitaka safe throughout his Journey to the West.

It's what led for Wukong to become--

Alya, focus!!"

"H-huh..?" I lifted my head above my desk, looking over my scattered papers all over the ground, having a piece of pencil stuck to the side of my cheek

Looking over the board, my professor glares to me. Tired and frustrated at my lack of focus

"Alya you were just sleeping in my lesson, again." My professor gritted his teeth, crossing his arms together while loosing his laid back position

I glance over my notebook, only to see a small puddle of saliva onto my papers visibly

Flustered at my mess, quickly brushing my arm against the corner of my lips. While organizing all of my study sheet together.

"Nooo..? I was just, letting my eyes rest. Yeah, looking over by the board can really take a toll out from you're eye sight" I said, grinning shyly over to my already grumpy professor,

And he was not having it today.

"Oh yeah? Than please, tell me of what I just explain to the class." He said, glaring at me

I felt the classroom eye fall on me, waiting for my answer.

I sigh heavily before standing up, clearing my throat. About to say something before we heard the classroom bell ring, cutting my presentation short

"Seriously? Alright class, Journey to the West text will be on the college website library. If you need any help, please email me if you have any question--" My professor looks over at everyone, preparing their binders and paper together

Before I can pick up my papers, my professor stood over me, feeling his shadow cover my sight

"But you will stay after class Alya" he said tiredly,

《Journey To The West》MK/Sun Wukong X Alya K "Journey From The Past" Where stories live. Discover now