Road Trip

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Friday, June 17th
Song for the chapter: Trust Fund Baby by Why Don't We

It was eight o'clock and gina just finished packing up all of Thea's clothes

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It was eight o'clock and gina just finished packing up all of Thea's clothes. She didn't even get to diapers or toys yet, yet alone herself. She knew she should of packed earlier on in the week but with her work schedule things have been crazy.

She's been trying to stay on her boss's good side by taking all the shifts she can. She was not gonna be working for a whole month and a half, plus the money wasn't bad. Everyone decided to add three extra weeks onto the trip because why not. They were going to have a nice place to stay, everyone had their own form of jobs so they could all split the groceries.

On top of that it was their last summer before senior year. Before they had to go out into the world and adult. Everyone was thinking of this vacation as a trial run too. Even though for Ricky and Gina they have already been adulting since last summer.
You have the living proof sleeping in her crib on the right side of the room.

It's been a few weeks since school got out and Gina and Ricky's kiss. In those couple of weeks Gina met Lily who Ricky brought around one day when he had to drop something off for Thea. Something about the situation rubbed Gina the wrong way, she didn't know why. Don't get her wrong, the girl was nice but Ricky just seemed odd and stiff like around her.

Apparently one week in their trip Lily is suppose to come stay for a few days. Gina didn't hate the idea but she found it odd and once again it rubbed her the wrong way. When it came to Ricky and just Ricky, Gina was still so confused on her feeling about him. She tried to push them off for a little bit though, she didn't want to cause drama or mess up anyones summer.

Gina sighed as she tightened her pony tail and move some of her bangs that got in her eyes. Gina was going to go with braids this summer but a last minute decision made her get her hair re-straightened and some cute curtain bangs.

She tugged on her off white long sleeve top and readjusted it over the belt area of her dark blue jeans. Suddenly a soft knock was at the door. Gina quietly opened up her heavy door to see E.J.

"Hey." Gina whispered. "Oh is she asleep?" E.J asked as he walked in. "Yeah. After two hours of rocking and singing she finally went down." Gina said as she walked over to her white couch sitting down. "I also just got her clothes packed." Gina informed him as he took a water bottle from her fridge.

"Oh I need to talk to you about something." Gina started. "E.J put the cap on his water bottle and placed it on the counter. "Whats up?"

"Ricky and I talked." Gina got up from her couch and crossed her arms over her chest. "We think it's best to ride together with Thea." Gina slowly walked over to her boyfriend. "You and Ricky? In his car?" E.J asked. "With our daughter. Look E.J if Ricky and I being with eachother from time to time for Thea still bothers you. Than-"

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