Arriving/The Weird Golden Tunnel

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A/N: Sophie is a seven hundred-year-old girl and Josh is an immortal named Marethyu with infinite powers.  Sophie still has more power than most.

Josh's POV

"Wake up!" Sophie yelled into my ear.

"I'm awake already!" I said as she left my room.  I got out of bed put on some clothes and went to go get breakfast.  Aunt Agnes was already in the kitchen cooking up a storm.  I sat down just as she finished making biscuits and gravy, my absolute favorite.  Even though all three of us had tremendous powers, we pretended we didn't have them.  We used them on occasion for our protection but other than that nothing else.  I got my backpack and headed out with Sophie for work.  As soon as we hit the street I saw a hole underneath our feet and we were sucked in before we could realize what had happened.  On the way for the journey in the gold and dark violet tunnel, we found Scathach and Aifoe traveling down another tunnel that connected with our tunnel.

"Do you know what's happening," Sophie asked Scathach.

"Not a clue, but expect to be attacked," Scathach replied, her arms already going to her swords.  Just then the tunnel opened up and we found ourselves in an arena with dummies and seven kids our age, fighting.  As soon as we appeared they stopped fighting us and turned to face us.  

"Oh, this must be the other's Chiron was talking about," the blonde girl said.  Then Scathach started attacking while Aifoe guarded us.  As soon as She attacked the one with what looked like a pen Scathach took a step back in surprise as the pen turned into a full-fledged sword.  Then she attacked the kid summoned a ball of water and blasted her in the face as he went in and they started fighting.  They were moving so quickly that all you could see was a blur.  By the looks of it, the kid was losing ground and sure enough, a few seconds later, the kid was knocked to the ground like everyone else.  I was still surprised at the kid's swordsmanship.  Then a girl rushed in. Took in the scene of Scathach about to kill and yelled stop so forcefully that Scathach stopped.  Then followed behind the girl was an old man, or at least I thought he was, and looked down at him and saw he was a centaur.

"Scathach, control yourself, Abraham sent you here to help with the quest, not to kill everyone on the quest," the centaur demanded, "Sophie, Josh, you can call me Chiron, and you are at a place for demigods at a place called Camp Half-Blood.  Percy, Annabeth, and everyone else show them around and get to know them, Scathach, Aifoe, come with me."  As soon as they left the girl who screamed stop left the room.

"My name is Percy, son of Poseidon, this is my girlfriend Annabeth daughter of Athena, then these three are Fitz, Keefe, and Sophie who are elves, then these two are Conner and Alex who are from the fairytale world," Percy explained.  I looked at him just to make sure he wasn't joking.  As if reading my mind he said, "You probably have experience with something out of the normal, how is this out of the normal?"  

"My name is Josh and this is my sister Sophie we went back in time ten thousand years ago, I'm thirteen thousand years old and Sophie is about 700 years old," I explained.  

"Well let's show them around," Annabeth said and she turned around and everyone started to follow.  Sophie looked at me and I shrugged and went to join them with Sophie right behind me.  First, we got a tour of the armory and forge, then the strawberry field, and then the Pegasus stables.

"So what can you guys do," the kid named Keefe asked. As a demonstration, I made a fireball in my hand and chucked it at the climbing wall that had lava dripping down. Since the fire was so hot, it turned the lava part of the wall blue.

"Ok that's actually cool, how do you do that," asked another kid named Conner.

"Wait, before you answer think about this," Annabeth said, "We're going up against a powerful enemy right, so maybe we should take classes from each other, so we could learn other powers from the others and become stronger." Everyone nodded their agreement with ideas whirling around in our heads, me, Conner, Keefe, and Fitz followed Percy towards the cabin. While Sophie and the other girls went over to the forge. Percy went into a low and long cabin, we filed in, and to our surprise, we found a cyclops who declared himself Percy's half-brother. Then after Percy whispered something into his ear he went off to a little workbench and started combining mechanical parts. Then we left the cabin to go to the lake, while we were walking Percy filled us in on another April fools they were going to do.

"Another April fools," I asked, "What, was the first one not good enough?"

"Not good enough, a huge marshmallow man imprisoned us and let all us boys out while the girls were stuck in a cell," chortled Fitz, clearly remembering the memory, "They had to eat their way out. Now mind you once they escaped it wasn't fun, well it was funny when the marshmallow man fell on Conner." When we arrived we scouted out the area, by the time we got a full plan formed, Tyson, the cyclops, came with our supplies: 50 slime balls, two automatic guns that fire them, and 10 water balloons. Once we were ready Keefe and Conner got the water ballons and sprinted to where the girls were. After five minutes we saw the girls coming and prepared to fire when suddenly two darts appeared in the tree that I was on. I reached to pull them off but then they exploded in slime! It hit me so hard I got blasted off and was fading off, but I realized one important detail, we were ambushed!

I do not own any characters by Michael Scott, I only own the characters I create.

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