April fools

21 5 0

Annabeth's POV

Percy keeps insisting that I should have the bed and he could sleep on the couch in our room.

"Ok, let's compromise, how about we both sleep on the bed," I said exasperatedly.

"Fine, but if I see you leave the bed I am going to the couch," Percy said grudgingly, admitting defeat.  Once we all got done showering I went to a corner near the bookshelves to read.  Percy was in bed.  He then got out of bed to play with Mallow, our new puppy, rushed over to me, grabbed my book, or at least tried to do that.  I held on tight and then slammed him to the ground.  After that, I grabbed my book and started reading again.  I was dimly aware of Conner coming in right after and then soon leaving.

"Ok, this time I'm actually going to sleep," said Percy, kissing me on the top of the head and went to bed after I finished the chapter and marked my page I went to bed.  It took a little while before I finally drifted off into sleep.

As soon as I woke up I realized Percy must have been awake for a long time since he was already covered in dog drool and playing with Mallow.  Percy had wanted to name him Marshmallow, but I convinced him to change the name to Mallow.  As soon as I got out of bed Mallow greeted me with a slobbery wet lick and started jumping on me.

"Down boy, down," commanded Percy.  Since Mallow didn't respond Percy dragged him out to the balcony.  By the time he was finished scolding him, I had already changed and walked out the door when I walked straight into a giant, white squish wall.  I looked up and saw two black eyes and a huge smile.

"HI!" he said as he scooped me up.  Percy was laughing his head off until he realized he was also going to be picked up.  I think he was trying to make himself appear dead, if so, he did either a horrible job or the marshmallow man wanted a dead person.  He then put each of us in separate cages as he rounded up the others.  All the boys went with Percy and all the girls went with me.  Then when we were all rounded up he let all the boys go!  Then they all started eating marshmallows.  Then that got me an idea.

"Guys, we're going to eat our way out," I whispered.  I got to work and unlocked the door from the outside.  I rushed to Percy and flipped him to the ground.

"Why did you do that?  I got marshmallows!" he groaned, "Also where is Conner?"  I looked around and suddenly out of the marshmallow pile, Conner's hand shot up.

"Here!" Conner replied, his voice muffled by the marshmallow.  We all were laughing as we headed downstairs laughing as we made our way to the kitchen.  

Fitz POV

As soon as we got into the kitchen, we all helped make breakfast, which consisted of egg, ham, and cheese burritos.  After breakfast Percy lead me, Fitz, Keefe, and Conner to the arena back at camp while Annabeth and the girls did some other stuff.

"Ok, that prank was great, but we need to go bigger, just keep that in mind," Percy said, "Ok, so, we're going to do a couple of techniques than all of you guys can go against me in a sparring match."

"Wouldn't that be unfair for you," Keefe asked.  I smiled knowing that Percy would probably lose since I could just use telekinesis to make him stand still.  As if reading my mind Percy said they could use no powers in this game.  I still thought we had a good chance of winning.  Percy taught us basic lunges, slashes, stabs, a disarming trick, and a move he made up himself where you slash the left side, turn your blade so it faces up, cut off that arm, and then chop off the head.  As soon as we learned all those techniques it was time for sparring.  To say we made Percy work hard would be a stretch.  Percy looked almost bored as he blocked and disarmed us so many times that I lost count.  When he actually tried we were all knocked down in about 10 seconds and our swords next to Percy.  

"Do you guys want to go down to the lake," Percy asked.  He helped us all up and we went to the lake so he could show us underwater and the hippocampi.  The Hippocampi were essentially natural jet skis.  After we all cooled off we went back to the mansion to get some lunch then suddenly I stepped on a pressure plate and we were all ensnared.  Suddenly I came to my senses and realized, we were caught!

Percabeth meets new friends✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz