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 AT EXACTLY 6:30 August Marlowe stops in front of the wooden door and rings the bell until the tip of her finger turns white

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AT EXACTLY 6:30 August Marlowe stops in front of the wooden door and rings the bell until the tip of her finger turns white.

Her mother offered to drive her towards the Byers' house, elevated when August told her she was going to go trick or treating with Jonathan. August declined feeling like a little child. She wasn't allowed to drive because of her medication so she insisted on going on foot.

Her mother did insist on dressing up and lent her a black velvet slip dress. It was so out of August's comfort zone that she paired it with tights, her black boots, and her favorite green sweater.
She deemed herself ready to face anything tonight and still, her eyes widen surprised when a man dressed in a vampire costume opens the door to the Byers household.

August stares a moment at the drawn-on dark circles and the fake fangs in his mouth. The stranger stares at her equally confused.

"Bob, who is it?" A female voice echoes from inside the house before a small woman steps up beside the burly man, whose name apparently is Bob.

The moment August catches the eyes of the woman she recognizes the slope of her chin, and the color of her hair and she tries to fix up a genuine smile.

"Hello Miss Byers, I'm August Marlowe a friend of—"

"Jonathan, of course! I met your mother a few days ago. Please call me Joyce." She says excitedly before calling for Jonathan and Will.

"It's so great of you to accompany Jonathan, it's not exciting to go trick or treating at your age alone." She says with a sad smile but August shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm pretty excited. It's free candy." Joyce's smile tips up a bit at her words.

"Jonathan!" She calls again into the house while the man dressed as a vampire remains beside her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Jonathan and Will step outside, and genuine surprise and excitement fill August.
She can't remember the last time she was excited.

"Is that a ghostbuster costume? That's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life!" August says and Will beams up at her as she rounds him to look at the back.

"Wow, this looks amazing." August gawks at the fake wires and buttons, impressed by the details.

"My whole friends dressed up like the gang you have to see us together!" Will says and August's brows raise. The costume is awesome.

After a few worried words from Joyce and a weird 'Hope it doesn't suck' from Bob, the three of them scramble into Jonathan's car.

August stays quiet in the backseat as Jonathan speaks up. "I just don't get what she sees in him."

"What?" Will says confused and Jonathan shoots a look at him. "Bob."

"At least he doesn't treat me differently. I mean, I can't go trick or treating by myself. It's lame." August catches Jonathan's eyes in the rear mirror, feeling awkward to witness such a personal talk.

"What you think we're lame?" Jonathan says making August's lips twitch.

"No...but it's not like Nancy is coming to watch over Mike, you know?" Will says and this time Jonathan stays quiet. August tries to file in their conversation. Jonathan told her about Will going missing last school year and his mother going almost crazy over it.

She understands the worry Joyce still carries, more than they would know.

Ten minutes later Jonathan stops the car in front of a house and this time August can't stop herself from pressing her hands against the window to watch a small group of ghostbusters cheer as they arrive.

She gives both Jonathan and Will a moment of privacy trying to not listen to Jonathan telling Will to go on his own.
She has to smile lightly at it when she sees Will beaming at his older brother.
The younger Byers boy suddenly turns and looks at her smiling. "It was nice to meet you August. He's been dying to go to this party because Nancy invited him. Do him the favor and force him to go."

"Hey!" Jonathan exclaims but Will already scrambles out of the car and leaves August and Jonathan in silence.

August watches the small group unite and ponders over what Will said. Before Jonathan can speak up again she climbs over the middle console and settles in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing?" He asks when she goes to buckle herself in. She looks up surprised.

"You heard the guy, let's go to that party."

"I thought you didn't want to go?" She raises a red brow. "No, actually I've been avoiding talking to Tina because I want to go." She sighs when he doesn't catch on to her.

"You want to go, that's reason enough. And you don't expect me to let you go turn up alone at a party where your crush is?" Jonathan inhales surprised. "She's not—she isn't...we're friends."

August leans her head back and looks at him. "Please. A blind man could see the longing glances you two pass each other in the halls. It's pathetic. But cute."

Jonathan flushes lightly at her suggestion. "You have ten seconds to decide before I walk home and read a book but we both know the answer already." She tells him with a small smile.

He turns the keys and turns on the ignition. "At least we both won't be in bad company."

𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ☽ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now