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"HI! YOU'RE August, right?" August almost has a heart attack as she escapes her last class of the day when a brunette girl starts walking beside her

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"HI! YOU'RE August, right?" August almost has a heart attack as she escapes her last class of the day when a brunette girl starts walking beside her.

"I am."

"I'm Tina! You're new in town and I guessed you don't know many people. I'm throwing this Halloween party and you're invited." The girl beams as her eyes travel over August body, judging her worn down loafers and the green sweater she got gifted on her fourteenth birthday.

"Halloween." August states as if it was any indicator of what her answer will be. Tina nods and presses a neon orange flyer against her chest. August eyes fly down to read the few words and cringes at come and get sheet faced.

Her eyes flicker back up the girl who's face pulls back into a fake smile. "That's really nice of you, but I thought about deep flossing my teeth on that day." She shrugs her shoulders in an excuse making Tina's brows furrow.

"You have the flyer maybe you can come afterwards." So they can judge her even more?

"Maybe." August tries a smile but it feels more like she's grimacing. Tina retreats thankfully and August knows she's not going to that party. When she exits the school doors it feels like she can finally breathe again and she almost breaks into a run home when she sees a familiar bowl cut head.

Jonathan Byers is in one of her classes and to her surprise she finds herself walking towards him when she catches a neon orange flyer in his hands. "You're going to that?" The words blurt past her lips before she can think about it, making Jonathan look up surprised.

August flushes in embarrassment and fixes a crooked grin on her lips. "Sorry. I'm August, that's what I wanted to say."

Jonathan blinks a few times before she nods her head back down to the flyer. "Oh, I don't think so. I'm Jonathan." He adds the last two words and they bathe in awkward silence for a moment. This was why August didn't like making acquaintances. But something about his demeanor made her want to talk to him. He doesn't seem to have many friends at school.

"I know. You're in my Econ class." She says rocking on her heels and he seems to have some mercy on her as he smiles awkwardly. "And English." He adds.

August nods smiling genuinely for the first time today. "Do you have different plans on Halloween? You know, because you're not going to the party." She tries not to play with her hands or tap her shoes against the ground as she waits for an answer.

"I'm going trick or treating with my little brother, Will." He tells her and his eyes focus on something behind her. She turns to see Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler walking side by side.

"Do you know them?" She asks a surge of curiosity flashing through her body. Jonathan flinches at her words seemingly embarrassed to be caught in his staring.

"Nancy is in our Econ class, we're...friends." Friends her ass. August tries to ignore the stutter in his sentence. "And the boy?"

"Steve Harrington. Her boyfriend." August nods as she stares at Steve and Nancy apparently getting into his car. When he suddenly looks up and catches her gaze she turns back to Jonathan.

"It was nice talking to you, Jonathan. See you around." She turns to walk away but Jonathan calls her back. "August!"

She turns surprised and finds his eyes skittering on the ground as he speaks up. "Do you, maybe need a ride home?" August lips split into a small grin and something foreign blooms deep in her chest. Maybe this day wasn't going to turn out as bad as she thought.

"WHO WAS the boy that dropped you off after school?" Her mom asks with a small smile on her lips as she glances from the road towards her.

"No one." August quickly replies as she dog ears the page she's on, closing the book. She knows her mom wants to talk before they arrive at the compound. Her parents found a specialist for her condition in Hawkins and they said it was one of the biggest reasons why they moved here. They thought they could help her.

"He had a questionable haircut." Her mom says with furrowed brows making August lips twitch. "I think it fits him very well."

Mrs. Marlowe's eyes flicker back to her daughter catching the small movement. "I'm proud of you, Gus, for making friends on the first day. It is a big step."

August body locks up the second her mother says the word. "He's not my friend." She says coldly and turns her face to the side staring out of the window.

They don't share another word for the whole ride and continue to stay silent as they climb the stairs in the building, passing by men dressed in doctors cloaks, men patrolling, until they stop in front of a wooden door.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Her mom asks worriedly making August look at her. Guilt creeps back into her chest like a wildfire. "I'm fine. Thank you." She turns back to the door her hand shaking as she goes for the handle but she hesitates. Turns back around to see her mother still standing at the same spot teary eyed.

August behaved like an asshole, again.

"What I said in the car—"

"Don't worry about it. I was being intrusive like always." Her mother says and August quickly shakes her head. "You weren't. It was a normal question. His name is Jonathan Byers he's in my grade."

Mrs. Malowe's eyes widen in recognition. "Joyce Byers son! I met her today at the Melvald's General Store." August musters up a small smile.

"I just got to know him. We aren't friends." She tries to make it clear again and her mom nods understandingly.

"That's fine."

They share a small look before August turns back towards the door and this time she raises her hand it doesn't shake. She steps into the small office and closes the door behind her.

She doesn't try to scan the dark interior design and rather focuses on the desk, the grey haired man sitting behind it. Dressed in formal clothes that contrasts with his round, kind looking face. He gets up from his chair and rounds his desk offering her his hand.

"Hello, August, I'm Doctor Owens and am really happy to work with you."

𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ☽ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now