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"A blind boy
saw a blue man
Who rides a blue bus through a nightmare
He leaves word
to a blue home
But the blue seems different since she's passed away...

And the same boy
with sunken eyes saw me
And described
yellow so perfectly."

-Frank Ocean, Eyes Like Sky

Author's Note:

Hello there, my lovelies!
I know it's been a while and you have absolutely every right to want to choke me out for this absence.
Safe to say these last few years have been some weird ones, lots of undetermined plans and complete sh*t shows this world has somehow deemed me capable of handling.

If you follow any of my socials, some of you may know that my dad passed away a few weeks ago.

That was pretty fucking shitty to get through.
And according to my therapist, we're kinda still in the thick of it.

I didn't think I'd even have the capacity to write again, given his rapidly deteriorating health, and my overall responsibilities to provide for my family (physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally).

There was actually one instance in which a memory of my father really lit a light under my ass to get back into writing:
I always told him I'd be the next Lori Foster... and now I'm realizing I won't get another opportunity to plead my case to him if I don't.

My father taught me that my word is my bond. He was a pastor, an artist (abstract and hyperrealism), a mechanic, a musician, and a handy man. He truly did it all, which in return gave me this ridiculously unrealistic standard of just how much a human being is capable of.

He passed down every multifaceted talent he had, and for that, Dad... I thank you.

You gave me my career as an Accountant, a hyperrealism artist, a writer, a pianist, and a damn good DIYer. I also now know how to change something as specific (and potentially useless) as a timing belt on a car.

The letters you wrote to me in US immigration county jail (year 2010, which I still have) were one of the two reasons I decided to start writing.

The other were your love for books.

You wanting nothing more than for me to read to you at night. Any book as long as the overarching story and protagonist was complex. That's what sparked my writing journey.

You always told me I had the capacity to write the books I longed to find in bookstores. The capability to bring the characters I imagined, to life.

You never let life minimize the grand plans you knew it had for us...

And for that dad, I love you.

Wambui Muiruri


This book is part of the Creators Program with Wattpad which means I'll be temporarily releasing this work under this program with potential exclusive rights.
Does this mean I'll still be uploading to Derek?

This book does speak on darker themes and multiple handicapped perspectives. All I can do is hope that I represented everyone falling under this blanket in a way that's respectful and right.
If I make mistakes, I promise that is the farthest from my intention...
But that doesn't mean I'm not ready to fix them.

Please hold me accountable for any parts within the book that you find fault with, and any parts I can edit to better improve the flow of the story.

This story is also inspired from a Frank Ocean song that was leaked many many years ago. I'd add it above but I don't think YouTube even has a copy up. If you're interested in hearing quite possibly one of the best songs ever released/my absolute favorite Frank Ocean song, copy and paste this link below in your browser:


Or just search up Eyes Like Sky - Frank Ocean MP3 on google, there's a few links that have the raw file uploaded

I love you all so very very much. Thank you <3

 Thank you <3

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