#1.1: 'my beautiful memories'

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JUNGKOOK PRACTICALLY BEAMED as his daughter skipped towards him with the biggest smile she could stretch her little lips into. Her two little pigtails were bouncing around as she ran as fast as her little limbs could carry her toward her father.

"Appa!" She squealed loudly when Jungkook lifted her and tossed her in the air, laughing airily with her. These were his favourite moments of his whole week and he could not contain his excitement to finally see her after seven days.

"How was school, my Eun?" Jungkook asked her as he kissed her cheek, walking towards his car parked a few meters away. It was Friday, meaning his day of stealing his Eun all for himself for the weekend. "Are you hungry?"

Haeun scrunched her nose cutely like Jungkook often did, a habit she picked up from him, and nodded. It reminded Jungkook how much she looked like him; same eyes and teeth. She had all of Jungkook's facial features, but all other features were her mother's. Similar builds, the same nose and the same hair. It was as if someone took Jungkook's facial features and pasted them on Haeun's mother.

"What do you wish to eat, my baby?" Jungkook asked her as he buckled her into place in his car after taking off her backpack from her back, before sliding into the driver's seat.

"Can we please call eomma with us to eat, appa? Please?" Haeun asked Jungkook with the most heart-wrenching puppy eyes, and he just knew he could not deny her.

"Of course, we can," he quickly said, "Do you want appa to cook?"


"Oh," Jungkook softly exclaimed as the person who he loved for half his life hugged him in greeting. "How was your day today?"

"It was great." Jungkook choked out.

"Hello baby," she said to Haeun, taking off her backpack, "How was school?"

"It was so fun, eomma! I shared my tiffin box with Sana today," the younger jumped in excitement, and it made Jungkook all warm inside.

"Did Sana like the food I packed for you?" her mother asked her with adoration in her eyes, and Jungkook looked at them fondly. It was his little family, and he loved them.

Was. He quickly cleared his gaze from them and paid attention to unbuttoning his work shirt. Moments like these made him wonder what went down five years ago, but he refused to think about those times. It was purely for selfish reasons.

"Were you expecting us? I see you didn't go to work today," Jungkook asked his ex-wife as he walked into the kitchen with her. "I promised Eun that I'll cook for her now."

"I couldn't go all alone myself today, you know," she shrugged, "You can cook. I'll help you."

"Why not? Are you okay?" He hated this. Hated this awkward conversation they had every time. Even while being co-parents and making their respective peace with it, this was something both of them couldn't do. Making causal talk. It always was so awkward that Jungkook felt like disappearing completely.

"It had happened tonight," she replied vaguely, "I just need to be alone."

Jungkook had to bite back his tongue to ask what had happened tonight. He thought so hard that he thought his brain might explode. He should know it. He knew everything. He was supposed to know. She said it as if he knew.

He could not remember. How much ever he tried, he couldn't. He rinsed the vegetables as he contemplated whether to ask her or not. He resonated that it wouldn't take much time to go home and peak at his folder of important dates. He could just act as if he knew what she was saying and not make more conversation about it.

As if she could read his thoughts, she sighed, "It was today, Kook. Karina-" it felt like she choked back a sob, "It was today."

Her telling him this felt like a slap to the face. A powerful slap, which would result in red finger marks blooming on his cheek.

The nickname, and her tone, made him have a mini-flashback, and the idea of disappearing felt really tempting to him.

"Another day, Kook. You didn't remember our anniversary."

"We were supposed to go on a date today, Kook."

"You were supposed to pick her up today, Kook."

"Today was her first performance, Kook. She kept looking at the audience for you. We waited for you for so long."

"She slept crying, Kook. Thinking you hated her as you did not turn up for her birthday today."

"I'm sorry," he started, suddenly feeling dizzy, "I forg-"

"It's okay," she said, as every time. As every single time, she had said, until she got fed up with it. But for Jungkook, he could hear the underlying message as clear as the summer sky, I didn't expect anything else from you anyway.


"See you on Monday, baby!" Jungkook's ex-wife exclaimed as they got out of her apartment.

"Appa," Haeun, who was perched up on Jungkook's arm whispered in his ear.

"Yes, my Eun-ie?" Jungkook whispered back, playing along with her. "Do you want to tell me a secret?"

"I found something and put it in my bag, appa. It's yours," she said as she sat comfortably in the car seat again, ready to go to Jungkook's place.

"Oh really?" he asked, distracted while he was buckling his seatbelt on, after doing the same to his daughter.

"Yes, here." Haeun placed two big notebooks in his lap, and said, "Open it, appa!"

Jungkook opened the front page, and then asked his daughter, "Where did you find it, Haeun?"

"I found this in eomma's cupboard. It's yours, isn't it? It even has your picture on it."

Indeed, it did have a polaroid of Jungkook and his ex-wife stuck on the front page, which was titled 'My beautiful memories' with the overuse of stationeries and washi tapes and stickers, little pink hearts doodled all over the page with glittery ink.

And under it, all was a little name and signature in the handwriting Jungkook very well recognised. It was the prettiest handwriting he had ever seen, and that made him improve his strokes during his high school years.

And the name, which he could never forget.

Moon Hyun Jae.


author's note:

guess who's back haha. do tell me, what is with me and naming all my ocs with the letter h? haeyoung, haneul, haeun and hyun jae.

jeon haeun is dear diary jungkook's daughter ; and ha-eun [하은] means great kindness [as far as my knowledge goes lol]

moon hyun jae is the wife jungkook divorced in the prologue, and we time skipped five years ahead. idk but i did not want to put a specific time skip period at the beginning of the chapter and alert the readers :)) hyun jae [현재] is a combination of words which mean wise and respect.

also, if you're new here: i'm gonna make my characters suffer because is it really my story without stupid characters, trauma and dead people? teehee x

that's all, lmk what you think of this!

AND Y'ALL SILENT READERS, I'M LOOKING AT YOU. VOTE! [and pls comment too. don't be shy i won't bite <3]

no, but haha. pls do. authors take so much time to write, so pls appreciate them. :)

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