Chapter 21: Actions

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Author's P.O.V.

Thursday finally came for both friends.

Y/n waited in the car impatiently before yelling, "Bartholomew Henry Allen! If you're not in this stupid vehicle in the next three minutes I'm leaving without you!"

The fastest man alive hurriedly tied his shoes and humanly ran to the car in front of his friends appartment. He sat in the backseat next to D/n.

"I'm sorr-"

You interupted him with your fuming words, "Barry Allen, what did I tell you?!"

The poor guy lowered his head and whispered a reply.

"To not be la-"

"And what just happened?!!"

"I was lat-"

"Exactly, Barry!! You were late!"

Throughout the car ride there was a silence until you looked up at the mirror to see a sad Barry lightly playing with your daughter.

Damnit. You thought as you realized you probably weren't in your best mood.

"I'm sorry," You spoke out as you parked on a random street in Central City. You turned your body towards him and calmly spoke, "I'm sorry for yelling at you and interupting you."

Barry shook his head and replied, "Y/n/n, I should be the one apologizing right now. I made you late."

Looking at your friend with a smile, you layed your hand on his knee and chuckled. "You did nothing wrong Barr. I bet if I left you for being late, you would've sped over there in a jiffy."

The brown haired man layed his hand over yours and with all his mustered courage said, "You're amazing. You know that, right?"

His words shocked you to your core but, his gentle smile made your face bright red.

You removed your hand from his leg and turned your burning face from your friend. The affect he has on you reminds you of someone. You chuckled once again and questioned, "Barry Allen. What am I going to do with you?"

Sitting behind you and looking at the mirror, he replied in a jokingly rasp voice, "Hmmm, what do you want to do with me?"

You looked up in your mirror to see his eyes still on you. This only making your blush deepen as you drive and become a stuttering mess.

Barry laughed and spoke out, "I mean, for starters you can teach me to be early from now on!"

You both enjoyed the rest of the car ride with jokes and laughter until you arrived.
Knocking on the door of your mother's house, you waited impatiently for someone to open the door. The door finally opened, revealing your mom.

"Momma!" You spoke out and gave her a hug.

"Hi guys, come on in. Come on in!" You walked into your childhood home and turned to see your mother hugging Barry and playing with your daughter. You knew the plan behind this, but you couldn't help but feel the joy of see them all together.

You finally entered the living room to see both your sisters and the rest of the family. "Heyy." You awkwardly waved and they all stood to greet you.

"We missed you!"

"It's been forever!"

"I'm so glad you made it!"

"We gotta catch up!"

It felt nice to be welcomed. Yours eyes watered a bit as you saw your whole family with smiles and pure joy.

"Uhm guys," You cleared your throat before continuing. "As you all know. This is Barry." You intertwined your hand with his free hand, "And this is our daughter, D/n."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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