Chapter 9: Shock

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A/N- These chapters will be short, but just as amazing.
Your P.O.V.

It's been one year since I moved to Starling City. After a few months of being separated, Barry and Iris got back together. They defeated Reverse-Flash and put him in the pipeline with all the other villains. And now, Barry has to deal with a load of different powered people. I see the struggle that their city is going through, but I know The Flash will save them.

About three months ago, I began helping Oliver on the streets. I got the name, Y/h/n, and my own suit. The suit is amazing, Oliver asked Cisco to do him a small favor by making him a mask for a friend of his, Me! And Cisco did. He made it bulletproof and elastic, it covers my eyes perfectly to where I can see, but no one can see me. For the suit I have a black leather top with an outline of my favorite color. The pants are similar to the top, but they gradually turn my color at the bottom, making my shoes my favorite color with the outline of black.

I've secretly been meeting with Joe and my family. I couldn't fully stay away from Central City because it had my favorite people living there, but I did hide myself from Barry, Iris, Cisco, Caitlyn, and Jacob.

"Y/n, have you talked to Bar?" Joe said, hugging me as we walked around Central City.

"Joe.." I replied before reminding him I couldn't.

"I know, but will you, at least, talk with Henry?" He spoke, confusing me.

When Barry and I were in High School, I would visit his dad with him. I got to know Henry for who he truly was. I realized he was wrongfully convicted, so Barry and I made a plan to figure out his mother's death.

"Yeah, I'll talk with Henry." I nodded my head. Throughout the whole day, Joe and I talked about the family and the city.

Joe lightly told me how Barry was doing, "He's trying to fight all these MetaHumans, it's really draining him."

After my day with Joe, I went to Iron Heights and scheduled a talk with Henry. I sat in front of the plastic window in anticipation. Waiting for what felt like 3 hours, but was probably three minutes. He finally arrived and sat on his designated seat. He grabbed that phone attached to the wall and kindly talked, "Y/n, it's been such a long time. How are you?"
I smiled at his enthusiasm and replied, "I'm doing well. How are you?"
He smiled and nodded his head, "Also well." We talked for about two hours before a security guard walked in, "Times up, Allen." Henry's smile left his face as he looked at the guard. "Sir, may I please have a few more minutes with him. I haven't seen my father in years. Please." I falsely spoke towards the guard. Shocked, the guard replied, "I'm sorry ma'am. I'll let you have a few minutes more." "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." He nodded his head and walked away.

Henry and I both laughed at the situation, when he suddenly asked, "How's Barry?" His eyes watched my reaction closely. "He's okay. Fighting a lot of metas." The smart man leaned over and whispered on the phone, "You know he visits me as well?" My face flushed with embarrassment when I realized he knew I was lying. "Why did you leave?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"Dr. Wells." I simply replied.

He shook his head disappointedly. "I knew there was something wrong with that man, when I finally realized he was behind everything I became so angry with him."

I nodded my head in agreement, "So did I."

"He also told me of your power. Barry still speaks very highly of you." He smiled, making me blush at his comment.

"If only they weren't made for each other. Then I would've had a chance." She smiled back jokingly.

Henry questioned me, "Why don't you come back?" I laughed at what I thought was a joke. "No." Henry laughed as well, "I'm serious, Y/n. You can live here with Barry. I know he would be safe with you by his side."

I kindly smiled at the man standing before me. To know he trusts me to take care of his son was remarkable. The guard came and walked towards us. "I'm so sorry, sir. We were about to finish."

The guard completely ignored me and spoke with Henry. "You're free to go." Henry and I looked at each other. "What?" We asked simultaneously. "You have been wrongfully charged with the murder of Nora Allen. You are free to go."

Henry was set free.

I waited for him as they took off his chains. I walked towards the door with Henry by my side and asked him, "What just happened?"

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