Chapter 7: Away

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This chapter will contain parts of dangerous harm towards someone Y/n hates.

Author's P.O.V.

Oliver walked into Thea's room, "What are you doing, speedy?"

"Yeah, you can totally come! I miss you so much!" Thea replied and hung up the phone.

Confused, Oliver asked, "Who was that?"

Thea replied excitedly, "Y/n! She wants to visit for some time!"

Although Thea was thrilled, Oliver was wondering the truth behind Y/n spontaneous visit.

Oliver spoke after his thoughts, "Okay, well, I'm going to be gone for a bit."

Thea nodded and walked out of her room. She quickly walked towards the kitchen where she found her meal was already prepared. "Bye, Oli!" She yelled before stuffing her face with a delicious lunch.

Oliver walked to Diggle and said, "We need to pay someone a special visit."

Diggle drove Oliver to a secret barn house. The sun was sparkling over their heads as they enjoyed the heat. After waiting for about 8 minutes, their precious sun was replaced by a beautiful woman with wings. Y/n gracefully landed on the ground as her wings disappeared. "Oli! Dig! I've missed you guys!" She exclaimed as she ran towards them.

Diggle was shocked, "Y/n/n has wings?"

Y/n giggled and replied, "Yep! I got them from the particle accelerator." Her wings appeared and she spread them to show Oliver and Diggle her new power. They all smiled and walked to the car. Oliver drove Y/n to his home where they gave her a spare room. "How long are you staying?" Oliver asked suspiciously.

Y/n replied quietly, "Until I find my own place."

Oliver couldn't believe the words that came out of Y/n lips. "What do you mean, 'until I find my own place'?"

Y/n sat on the bed, contemplating whether she should tell Oliver and Diggle her dilemma. Both friends walked over to her and calmly asked, "What happened?"

Poor girl couldn't hold in her tears any longer. "Dr. Wells! H-He is going to try and defeat Barry and I... I saw the future... I disappear and this villain is defeated.. and... and.. Iris and Barry get married.." She let it all out as she cried on the bed. She couldn't hold in the pain any longer.

Oliver held her shoulder and spoke softly, "Y/n, it's okay. We'll find a way to defeat him. You'll move back to Central City."

Y/n was angry. Pissed. Enojada.

She stood from where she sat and turned towards Oliver. "No! You see, " her hands began to glow her favorite color and her voice began to echo. "If I don't disappear, Iris dies!" Oliver's eyes widened as he saw his best friend levitate off the ground. "I love Barry enough to not do that to him!"

"Y/n?" Oliver said before everyone could hear Thea's screams. Yet again, Y/n stepped out of her trance and walked over to where she heard her friend scream. Thea was surrounded by broken glass and her clothes everywhere.

"Ugh, it smells like weed in here." Y/n proclaimed as she walked towards Thea.

"Shut up! No, it doesn't." Thea replied as she walked towards Y/n. Giggling at her joke Y/n grabbed Thea and walked her away from the mess. "What happened?" Diggle asked as he picked up the shattered mess. "I don't know, I was putting away my new clothes when everything lifted up in the air. I was fascinated, but then it all started circling me. Once I screamed everything fell."

Y/n stood there quietly. Oliver looked over to her, "Y/n?"

"It was me. I guess when I get upset I have the power to do that.." she replied looking at the ground.

Complications With My Hero (Edited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt