Chapter 4: Coffee

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Your P.O.V.

I drove to Jitters with a smile on my face. I was genuinely happy and I liked it. When I finally arrived, I walked in and saw Paige, my shift manager.

"Hey, Paige." I say as she walked towards me and gave me a hug.
"Haha, hey. I was wondering." I say quietly, "Is there any way I can get my job back?"
Paige smiled, "I've been waiting! Of course. When do you want to start?"

"As soon as possible."

Paige nodded and went back to taking orders.

"You can come back anytime. We are always open for you to work, hun." She said, before asking her next customer what they would like to order.

I walked towards a table of four and sat on the high chair waiting to meet up with Iris.
After waiting for 10 minutes, I ordered Iris and myself a drink.

Sipping my hot drink, I could hear the bell ding so I lifted my head. It was Iris, walking in the clusttered cafe, giggling. Behind her was Barry.

Oh, great.

I thought to myself as I got up and gave both of them a hug.
Barry sat in front of me and Iris sat next to him. "I'm so glad we finally had to chance to hang out. We haven't hung out in a while." Iris said as she looked at me and held Barry's hand. Barry smiled and nodded his head.

"I have news!" I said excitedly, trying to forget that he was right in front of me.
"Did you visit your family?" Barry asked, smiling at my enthusiasm.
"Yes, yes I did, Barr." I replied, rolling my eyes playfully.
"I visited them yesterday. Today, I went to watch a movie with Jacob."

It was as if all time was stopped. Iris and Barry both looked at me shocked. A girly squeal came from Iris's mouth, but Barry stood there shocked.

"What did you do? Tell us all the details." Iris said, matching my excitement.

"When I first saw him, we had a really nice hug. I came in and we watched a funny movie." I was blushing the whole  to freak out about a guy or anything because I've been more focused on studies and work, but with Jacob I was acting just like Iris usually does.

I told the story and how we landed in each other's arms when the movie ended. I finally told them about the kiss.


They both questioned, shocked.
Iris began singing that childish song, "Y/n's got a boyfriend, Y/n's got a boyfriend."

I laughed at her song and blushed looking at Barry. For some reason Barry didn't have the same expression Iris did.
"What's up, Barry?" I asked, worried about him.
"I don't know.. I just don't trust Jacob. Something's off with him." He answered, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

Oh, so he only cares for me like a brother cares for his sister...

It was awkwardly quiet for a few seconds, until Iris finally broke it.

"Well, I like him for Y/n/n." 

I smiled and high-fived Iris. Barry just stood there, serious and in thought.

What is going on?

Complications With My Hero (Edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن