WELL what did he say!?

He just told me
that today was fun!!

Oh shit he turned
off caps lock

But please why are you
freaking out so much


And plus it's so odd of
him to text me out of
nowhere like this

He could've sent it
on the group chat but
individually to ME?!

Well he wants to talk
to just you

Go on make
with him you

But what do I say!?

'Oh yeah it was fun
today I agree!'

Chan: glad you do!

THEN WHAT? the convo
would be done


Yk I hate when
you send that

Oh wait changbin just
texted me he wants to
come over

Really? For what

Wait shit I wasn't
supposed to send that

Uh doesn't matter bye!


Wait don't forget to
reply to Chan!


Jisungs makes a tut of his tongue, and puts the phone down. Felix with his shenanigans and how love struck he is over Chan. Can't blame him since Chan is undeniably cute, a contagious laugh and eye catching smile you want to just capture in a picture and hold onto.

Also those last messages with Felix rushing to end their chat after mentioning Changbin really had Jisung thinking what the fuck.
Wow now not only Minho but Felix too! The list of names is starting to grow..

Minutes go by Jisung finishes his smoothie and gets up to wash it along with the blender. When sudden knocks on the front door makes him still, and he whips his head towards it.  Then makes his way to open the door. It's 9:50 PM, who could it be? Jisung doesn't got a clue, he never texted anyone to come over. As if Felix grew powers out of nowhere and teleported to him.

With his brows pinched together and lips in a slight pout, Jisung swings the door wide open and upon doing so his eyes grew to the size of saucers, and felt his breath get caught in his throat..oh shit.

"Jisung." Minho says with a small grin. He came in a blue sweatshirt and some gray sweatpants.

"Oh hi- again." Jisung responds, brushing his fingers through his dishelved fringe, he was so thrown off, he couldn't return that grin. And he forgot to brush his hair ugh.

"Hey mind if I come in?" Minho lets out and before Jisung could even answer, Minho steps past him entering the house.

Ok this is weird. And Jisung's all in for weird but this was weird weird. This isn't like Minho to show up out of the blue. The first time he did made sense since he wanted to apologize. But this visit it really got Jisung lost like what's going on. The fact that he invited himself in.

Jisung had mentioned he's free to come over whenever he'd like. But still this rose questions.

"Uh yeah, come in." Jisung says and shuts the door. Then he turns to see Minho just taking in the surrounding of the living room. "Did something happen?" He spits out.

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