"Harrington. are you listening?" His trance snapped as he heard his teachers voice. "oh- uh no sorry, have.. stuff on my mind" He mumbled, students looking at him. one person caught his attention. one of Eddie's bands mates giving him a glare, a sneer as he turned his head back around. "please pay attention, this is important" his teacher stated as he turned back around to the board. he nodded to him and rested his head back in his palm.

Steve started backing his belongings in his bag as class ended. he walked out the door and walked down the hall, someone yanked his shoulder as he walked. he turned quickly expecting it to be Jason's friends, but it was Gareth who was glaring at him.

"you need something?" Steve questioned to the shorter student, rage burned on him as he glared at Steve.

"Steve. you need to stop your act." he fumed, his fist balled to his sides. Steve backed up, confused to the guys demands. "uh- i don't know what you mean.."

"quit acting like your miserable after Eddie died, you hardly knew him and acting like your life ended!" Gareth shouted, catching everyone's attention within the halls. they all stopped to watch the scene hoping a fight would break out. Steves face was filled with guilt and frustration, sure him and Eddie hardly knew each other, but Steve felt something for him, but just couldn't show it soon enough.

"well? say something!" Gareth pushed his chest, rage building up more from Steve's silence.

"you know.. nothing." Steve mumbled so that Gareth would only hear. his teeth clenched as he watch Gareth take sharp breaths. Everyone chanted 'Fight Fight!' as they both glared at each other.

"what do you mean i know nothing? i know who you are Steve. your an asshole who bullied the hell out of Eddie, out of all of us!" Gareth yelled, pointing his finger to Steve's chest, flaring his hands around while he yelled.

Steve just watched as he shouted, his teeth grinding. people always accused Steve of bullying everyone, but Tommy and Carol just dragged him in it. he hated all of it, especially when they went to the extend and called Nancy a slut on the theater board. though he thought he was in the right, he soon realized he was the dick and left them.

"you're a piece of shit Steve Harrington, just face it!" Those words made Steve snap. he slapped his finger off his chest and pushed him to the ground. standing over him.

"sometimes you need to shut the hell up." Steve grumbled, looking down to Gareth who was struggling to get back up. he wanted to beat the shit out of him, but he was Eddie's friend. all he did was back up so Gareth could stand up, he did so, moving through the crowd as everyone booed Steve on. he turned and moved the opposite way to the bathroom.

he slammed open a stall door and dropped his bag on the floor, sitting on the toilet lid with his head fallen in his hands. his eyes were pinned shut, thinking and remembering on how big an asshole he was back then. that could never disappear from his history. no matter how hard he tried to change, it would always be painted on his back.

"Steve?" Someone called from the outside, knocking on the stall doors. "what." he mumbled back, lifting his head. "it's Dustin." he stood in front the stall that Steve was in, leaning on it.

"so you saw it?" his feet falling off the seat lid and hitting the floor, an echo played in the bathroom. "yup, can you come out?" he stepped away, waiting for Steve to open. he opened the door, picking up his bag. "hey" Dustin chuckled a little, leaning on the wall looking at the older guy who did the same. "hey."

"listen. Gareth is going through a lot.. and doesn't know about you and Eddie. he thinks you're doing it for- uh.. attention"

"why would i be doing all this for attention? hell i would rather live in the upside down then go through this." he waved his hands around, his eyes widened and brows frowned with anger. Dustin nodded, silence filling the empty bathroom.

"so, are you coming?" Dustin asked, looking to his shoes

"coming where?.." Steve moved to his side, looking to the freshmen.

"to the upside down" he mumbled, he didn't want Steve to burst out again but he had to bribe or pull him to go.

"i'm not sure, i don't want to go through that experience again." he crossed his arms, looking at Dustin's shoes then back to the fidgeting kid.

"right, well it's for Eddie's sake. what if he's alive?"

"kid, i'm not with theory's. i don't want to risk my life to see Eddie's bones" he waved his hands, shaking his head.

"but what if?" Dustin now looked to Steve, concern filled his eyes. Steve looked to Dustin, his begging face. he groaned, rolling his head back.

"Fine. if he's still dead, i'm not doing this ever again. you hear me?" he pointed, making his point clear. Dustin smiled and nodded, happy that he didn't have to drag him. "loud and clear!" Dustin saluted, holding his hand out. Steve smiled and did their handshake, laughing through the whole thing. "alright, let's go to lunch" Steve patted Dustin's back, leading him to the cafeteria.

Steve hoped with all his might that Eddie might be alive, even if he's different. if anything, he would still love him entirely.

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