1. Twisted

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It's a mess. My mind is a mess right now.

I stared at my laptop screen with my fogged mind. What a hassle!
From the corner of my eyes, I saw my phone's screen flicker again. I felt the vibrations reaching me and sighed at my pathetic situation, already knowing who could it be. Grabbing the phone, I attended the call.

"June, listen to me." a voice erupted from the speaker.

"And?" i curtly posed a counter question. This seemed to make her think for a few seconds.

"I just don't want to see this happen to you." she spoke, her voice emotional. My heart began to shake, I had been holding it all this time. But I wasn't going to let her worry and see my torn and miserable face.

"I know" I paused and gulped, "but I don't have another option this time. And I didn't open up to you just to buy myself pity. Be a good friend and wish me best luck."

I knew my attitude towards her was mean but I wasn't buying hers either. I wasn't going to show up as an emotional wreck about this. I knew this was going to be a struggling era, not an easy and romantic life as depicted in most of the romance novels. And I just needed time before giving in and encouragement from my only friend.

"Yeah, you're right. I apologize. I know you're not an easy person. And neither you're weak. You can overcome all of the confusions and you can beat any hardship. Your blood is strong and your mind can bear." I listened to her words carefully, realizing that she was well-aware of the chaos in my mind. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes when the silence set between us. It began to thrust my focus into the wildness of horror.

"What's next?" she questioned, sounding sure of me having an answer figured out. I couldn't hold back my smile at her silliness.

"Do you expect me to know, Erin? I haven't even met him in person. And this is where the problem begins. I don't even know whether his actual consent is involved or if he's being forced like I am." I paused. "Nevermind, cause that's not the only problem with this." I cursed under my breath.

"Maybe you should try talking to him in person. Look, this is a huge decision to make. And without the agreement of you two, your moms and dads can't make this happen. Does this make sense?" she tried her best to push me with her logic only to find me sighing at her.

"Look Faith Erin, you need to understand my situation. I Don't. Have. A. Choice. This doesn't apply to my state. We are not allowed to talk. My mom understands but my dad... he's a freak." I gave her an explanation to shut her mouth from pushing me.

"Look, your mom is your only way to the truth. Ask her to-" I cut her off before she suggested another dumb idea.

"I'm dropping the call if you're going to keep saying this to me." I heard her exhale a breath on the other side. My eyes began to fill up with water.

"Okay, I'll stop." she delayed her speech. "Have you updated your community about yourself?"

"Yeah, was doing it. I am not disclosing the matter. It's extremely personal to begin with. I'm only reporting a leave for a period. And that should be enough. I know they'll understand."

"What about your dad?" she referred to his demands.

"Doesn't matter. He wouldn't know. He should know that leaving my job will not only affect me financially but also mentally. This is all I've ever wanted to be. I'll take a leave, he'll think it's over. And I'm not even sharing it with mom. I know he's going to ask her about this." my jaw clenched in frustration and I released it to calm my nerves.

"Yeah, sounds reasonable... I know you need space. But if you ever feel overwhelmed, just dial up my number." she reassured me.

"Sure, thank you. I appreciate that, Erin. I know you're upset too. It's just, I think it's my own issue. And I should fight it myself." This is what I've always said to people before. They back away from me. They think of me as someone rude, unthankful. But this is who I am. I don't want people's help and be a burden wanted to be released.

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