Playing Pretend

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Chase stood there looking at the three of them with his arms crossed, his brother, sister and cousin were all digging deep into their cousin's dress-up box. His parents had dropped the three of them off at their cousin's all the time for free babysitting from his Aunt. It always ended up with them playing whatever game his cousin, Chloe, and his sister, Emily, wanted to play. He looked at Grant, his younger brother and rolled his eyes. He always seemed happy to play whatever the girls wanted, whether it was dolls or some version of them "playing pretend", this left him being the only one pouting.

"Come on Chase, you have to pick something for dress-up!" Emily announced.

Chase felt if he rolled his eyes one more time he would get a headache. "Why bother, I know the only thing that's in that box is princess and fairy dresses. You have nothing for me and Grant!" He claimed trying to get some type of sympathy from Grant who was still digging through the box. He knew from previous experience if he agreed they would be dressed as princess fairies.

"There are some things that aren't dresses." Chloe mused while trying to think of something. "Would you agree to play if we find something?"

"It has to be both of us!" He shot back. "I know Grant will wear anything!" He knew his dork brother would wear any get up as long as he got to play, a fact the two girls often used against him.

Chloe squealed and pulled out a simple dress with a floral pattern. "I'll dress as a Mommy!" She announced while changing into her own outfit.

Chase looked at Grant as the two of them turned around to let her change, as usual he was all smiles and lived for these sorts of games. "What do I get to be?" He asked the girls, easily giving them the opportunity to pick for him.

"Let's see." Chloe said while shifting the outfits. "It has to be for a boy, since we already agreed to that." She moved something and her eyes opened wide. "How about you pretend to be a baby?"

"A baby!" Grant said, surprised. For a moment Chase felt a hint of pride in his youngest sibling. Was he finally going to refuse to allow them to treat him like their personal plaything? "How would we do that?" Chase's pride fizzled as fast as it appeared.

Chloe started to pull out some accessories from the dress-up box, a blue and white pair of footie pajamas, which seemed small even for Grant, a pacifier and baby mittens with ribbons at the cuffs. "One more thing!" She said and ran out of her bedroom and returned only a few seconds later with something behind her back. "It's a surprise!" she said which left Grant smiling.

"You aren't really going to dress-up like a baby?" Chased asked his brother.

Grant looked away from his brother and little and blushed. "It's just a game!" He told him, as usual he didn't even try to refuse to put on the humiliating get up.

"Yeah Chase! It's just a game!" Emily added. "Now Grant babies can't get changed by themselves!" Emily started clearly eager to start playing.

Grant just giggled and started to play along, running around Chase as the two girls tried to corner him. Chase rolled his eyes again at the situation. Emily grabbed Grant's T-Shirt which he slipped out of and still ran away, he made mocking baby talk at them, much to the girls delight. They grabbed his pants and pulled them down leaving him in just his briefs which made him laugh even harder.

Grant finally submitted now that he was declothed and once he let his guard down Chloe grabbed the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down too, causing Grant to squeal. "Hey! I need those!" He shouted while covering himself with his hands, the two girls giggling at his helplessness, Chase felt some second hand embarrassment for his brother but he now had a feeling where this was going.

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