"I know you are tired but i need to get up"

"Oh okay... sorry" I moved off of him quickly, off put by his statement.

He reaches over to put his hand on my cheek and looks me right in my eyes "I will be more than happy to have you right back in my lap as soon as i can go and change my clothes" He motioned his head down and i see the evidence of our arousal all over him.

I smack my hands to my face "oh god i'm so sorry, i definitely ruined them"

He laughs at my reaction and shakes his head "Ruin as many as you want as long as i get to see you like that again. Plus it's not just yours"

A blush crept up onto my face "oh"

He places a soft kiss on my nose "i'll be back in ten minutes sweetheart"

A knock on my door breaks my mind out of the wonderful daydream i had put myself in. I open the door to Austin looking more casual than normal in a plain black t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Hi there"

"Hello beautiful" as he placed a kiss to my cheek.

I smile at him and move aside to let him in the room "Sorry its a mess i have to check out in an hour and i waited till this morning to pack"

"No worries, where's the new place?"

"It's not far, about an eight minute drive from here" i try to start tossing more of my stuff in the suitcases not really caring about organization because it will all be back out in a couple hours

"Do you need a ride?" he says and hands me a pair of my sleep shorts he had sat on by accident.

"Oh no it's all good i'm just gonna take a cab"

"Don't be ridiculous i have a car and no plans this afternoon, i will take you"

"Are you sure?" i cocked my head to the side looking at him


"Okay that'd be great, thank you" i move to sit beside him on the foot of my bed.

"You don't have to thank me sweetheart, i'm happy to do it. Plus if i take you then i'll know where i'm going when i come to see you" he smiles and laughs slightly

"You're gonna come see me huh?" i throw on my sarcastic tone and return his smile.

He leans into me "I'll always find a way to see you, no matter where you are."

I blush at his words and move in to place a kiss on his cheek.

" So I have to tell you something"


"I have to go back to California for a few weeks" I notice his smile fade and his eyes move from mine down towards the floor.

"Oh um, when do you leave?"

"My flight is at eight a.m. tomorrow"

"How long will you be gone?" I look at him trying to decipher the look he has plastered all over his face.

"A little over two weeks. I have to do wardrobe fitting and a screen test for the movie"

A sadness i'm unfamiliar with fills my chest. That means he won't be back till right before i'm supposed to leave. That is if he even comes back to Vegas.

"Will you be coming back to Vegas or going somewhere else?" i try to hide the feeling that is brewing in my chest.

"I don't know for certain" he couldn't bring himself to look at me and i knew he felt the same thing i did.

it all started in vegasWhere stories live. Discover now