𝚇𝚇: 𝙸𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝟷𝟽

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WHEN ALEX AND REGGIE POOFED INTO JULIE'S LIVING ROOM, the Latino barely spared them a glance.

The Molina girl had already yelled at the boys earlier and snapped at Luke after they had tried apologizing, she wasn't in the mood for any more of their games.

Alex peered at the girl "Hey uh, you got a second?" he asked gently. Julie just ignored the blonde and kept her attention on her homework.

"Oh my gosh! She can't see us anymore!" Reggie gasped wide-eyed, Alex shot the ghost an annoyed glance and went over to sit on the arm of the sofa Julie sat on.

"Julie please," Alex said earnestly, Julie gave in to his tone and looked up at the boy.

"I already told you I'm done with the band," Julie said.

"Yeah, we know alright? But before you decide you decide that forever just- we wanted you to know Luke isn't as selfish as you think he is." Alex sighed, he was still pissed bout what happened between Luke and Olivia but Luke was still his best friend, and he knew he didn't mean what he had said.

He also knew how tough today was gonna be for him.

"Yeah, you've got him all wrong," Reggie added, yet no matter what they said Julie still scoffed and went back to her work.

Alex and Reggie exchanged a glance before Alex finally decided to play their last and final card.

"You remember that song 'Emily' ?"

That piqued Julie's interest and she immediately raised her head to look up at them.

"Can we at least show you who that's actually about?"


After leading Julie to a house, the 2 ghosts and Julie hit behind plants near the front porch. They peaked out to get a look at what was going on on the inside and the sight made Julie's breath hitch.

Luke Patterson sat on the kitchen counter with tears in his eyes as he watched an old woman and man walk around setting the table set up. The women held a cake and the man set down 3 plates on the table, the 2 of them exchanging sad mournful glances.

"So, Emily's his mom?" Julie asked with a sad frown.

"Yeah.. yeah Luke comes here a lot," Alex said.

"He thinks we don't know but the 2 of us and Olivia have been following him," Reggie said.

Luke continued to watch his parents, tears now shamelessly streaming down his face as struggled to keep in sobs that threatened to come out.

"All he does is hang out here and watch them. They never really do anything though." Reggie said sadly.

Luke's mom, Emily, set down the cake at the center of the table and Julie spoke up with a shrug  "they're having cake, that's something."

"It's a birthday cake, for Luke," Reggie said and Julie winced, she couldn't begin to understand their pain for Luke but as she continued to watch them she felt her heartbreak.

Luke continued to watch in tears and Julie whispered "I didn't know Luke was hurting so much, the only person within you guys that I know went through a rough patch was Olivia."

The 2 ghosts exchanged a glance before Alex sighed " Now's as good a time as any to tell you about what happened to her. Back in high school, Olivia was selected to perform for this recital for our school anniversary. The teachers chose her cause I mean, have you heard her sing? She's incredible!" Alex said.

"Olivia was so excited, she came back to the garage almost every day to practice and no matter how many times she sang the same song all of us were still in awe of her voice. Especially Luke. This was such a great opportunity for her and all of us were so proud of her." Reggi smiled at the memory.

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