Chapter 3🖤

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I feel my heart stopping and suddenly I get goosebumps all over my body, he scared the living shit out of me.

I slowly take a piece of toast and eat it as I watch the guys playing with Cayden. That's all I could manage to get in, I have this nauseating feeling on my stomach for some reason.

Suddenly Draya and Stiles whisper something to each other, and Darius laughs looking at me. I'm confused.

"what?" I ask as Draya turns to me and asks "how old are you blondy?" I glare at him with narrowed eyes "I'm 17 why?" I ask, he froze with a weird look on his face, "what the fuck? Your still a baby" he starts laughing.

I clear my throat rolling my eyes "this baby will kick the living fuck out of your tiny ass like a boss" I say nonchalant, and he stops laughing with a sinister smile on his face, and suddenly he jumps up in an Instant he picks me up, I shriek "put me down fucker, or so help me god you will be sorry" I say as he laughs and my survival instincts kick in.

I grab onto his pants, pulling myself down between his legs as he falls backwards with me sitting on his stomach and I move myself so my legs are around his neck and his arms in my hands as I hold him in a chock hold.

I hear him gasp as I smile "who's the baby now bitch?" I say sarcastically.

As I see everyone looking at us, suddenly All the guys burst out in a roar of laughter, laughing at him calling him names.

Suddenly I feel a hand wrap around my arm pulling me up, I see dark eyes on me like they wanted to kill me.

And I get angry in a split second, I rip my arm from Alecxandri's grip and yell "what the fuck? I was playing with him! And you are hurting me, you son of a bitch!"

Suddenly it was dead quiet you could hear a pin drop, I feel my cheek burn and I feel a sharp pain and I taste blood.

I look up holding my cheek, "never again will you lay a hand on me, I don't care iif you are my boss, I will fucking kill you in your sleep and feed you to your dogs asshole"

I turn around feeling tears creep up and I grab Cayden from Stiles, I walk back to my room, as tears stream down my face.

Who the fuck does he think he is? I get to my room and lock my door behind me and put Cayden down on the play Mat, I go into the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror seeing my lip is split and with my cheek it's already forming a big purple bruise.

I look down on my arm and I can see his hand print turning purple as well.

What the hell did I get myself into?

I spend the day in my room, avoiding the devil.

The guys tried one by one to knock on the door but I didn't answer and Jacx left dinner at my door.

I fed Cayden and bathed him putting him in his cott next to my bed. He fell asleep so soundly. I went to go sit down on the window bench looking at the view as Seattle turned dark and the night life started.

It was after 3 am and I was still sitting at the window thinking of what I'm going to do and how my life came to this? When I hear a soft knock on the door.....


Alecxandri's POV.

I sat at the dining room table as she walked in and my heart almost Stopped when I saw her standing there in my shirt and her shorts.

Fun fact all the big shirts in her cupboard belonged to me, I put it in there after the first night she slept in my bed in my shirt, I loved how she looked in it.

Then I remembered that everyone was here and saw her like I did.

The meeting went well the guys already like her, and I know they would look after her.

I got upset at her not eating I could see she doesn't eat much.

But the sight of her with that baby on her lap just made me fall for her even more she is such a great mother, even though he isn't hers.

Then Darya started tuning her some shit, but before I could stop him she answered and I couldn't believe how tough she was.

And when he picked her up with half her ass showing I wanted to kick him in the face no one touches her, but she suddenly did some ninja shit and she had him in a chock hold.

My blood boiled at how I reacted it had nothing to do with her, but before I could stop myself I pulled her off him and I knew I've hurt her because I could feel it in my grip and I just got angrier with myself.

When she spoke back to me I got angry and I punched her and in an instant I regretted it, I wanted to take her into my arms and show her I was sorry but before I could move she looked at me with utter disgust and it killed me.

What she said broke me more, how could I hurt her my perfect little flower, whom I swore ill protect and I hurt her.

What the fuck is wrong with me!

I sit in my office and I send everyone of the guys to go check on her but she refuses to open up.

It takes everything in my power not to knock the door down. But I knew she would hate me more...

I sit at my desk trying to work but God it's difficult, all I can think of is her, Jacx has been distant since it happened and he yelled at me, I almost shot the fucker but I knew he was right....

A few hours pass and I find myself going upstairs to her door it's 3 in the morning, there is no way she's awake...

I knock softly and I can hear her move she has to know how sorry I am.

I knock again and say "little flower please, please open up" a few seconds later I hear the door unlock and my heart wants to leap, she's become so important to me so fast its unbelievable.

I walk in slowly and see her sitting by the window covered in a fuzzy blanket and I can see she's been crying.

I slowly walk to her seeing the little man sleeping in his crib.

I sit down opposite her and she's looking away I can't see her face where I've hit her. I'm not sure if I want to.

I slowly take my fingers under her chin and make her look at me but she closes her puffy blue eyes and it's killing me that she can't even look at me.

Anger rises inside of me when I see the purple bruises on her face I can't believe I've hurt her like this.

My heart pains as I slowly lean forward and kis her gently on the cheek, "I'm so sorry little flower, I never meant to hurt you, I was just angry at myself for being jealous, I know it doesn't make it right but I'll fix it I promise." suddenly she starts full on sobbing like a baby and all I can do is drag her and put her into my lap, so fragile and small.

But I comfort her as she grabs my shirt and just cries.

After a while of her just crying uncontrollably I whisper into her. " never again will I hurt you, never again will I lay a hand on you, that I promise my little flower"

She looks up at me with blood shot red eyes making the blue of her eyes more vivid and I can see the pain in her eyes, and I just want to take it away.

She softly sighs and says "it's okay I forgive you" and I can feel my heart shatter and in an instant I meet her lips and I savor every second before she pulls away, but she doesn't..

We sat like that till sunrise and she aventualy fell asleep. I carefully pick her up and lay her in bed covering her, I kiss her forehead softly "te amo piccola" as I walk away I see the little man is awake.

I smile and pick him up bringing him with me so his momma can sleep for a bit,making my way to the kitchen, leaving my little flower to sleep.......


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