Chapter 1

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Amethyst was but barely a adult still a teenager at 18 she has gone through so much in her life already, with a full on alcoholic dad and an addict mother she was the only one providing for her little brother who was still a baby at almost a year old, her mother decided to have an affair for some drugs and ended up pregnant but didn't even care about him, from day one she has taken care of little Cayden she even picked his name and brought him home from the hospital,

Her whole life she was the one to give up everything to look after everyone but yet no one wanted to look after her.

Her father was very abusive and he would hurt and hit her and her mother he tried with Cayden but Amethyst stopped him in return was beaten badly, and she swore she would protect that little boy with everything in her, working 2 jobs just to keep him alive and fed.

Till the day her life got exceptionally worse, or so she thought.......





"Urghhh" I moan as my alarm goes off to get ready for work
I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, but I roll over and just smile, seeing this little face gives me so much joy and hope, as little Cayden lay next to me smiling in his sleep,
He might not be mine but I've raised him he is mine and I would kill anyone who would try to hurt him, he is my little Bambi-Baba.

I slowly get up and get Cayden ready for school while I also get ready for work, I do it as softly as I can to not wake up the devil's child (my dad) otherwise I'm in trouble, I make my way down the hallway with my Bambi-Baba in my arms and we leave instantly, I'm so use to hiding my life from everyone no one knows what I'm going through, because it is embarrassing as hell but through it all I hide my scars and cover up my bruises and still stay a humble person.

As we reach the school I'm already late for work as Cayden's teacher takes him and I have to run.

"bey bey my little Bambi bum I love you" placing a kiss on his cheek, "bey bey momma" Cayden yells at me and my heart just feels full he is all I know.

I reach work after running my ass off and I burst into the doors of the diner barely breathing, my boss turns around looking at his watch then at me "that's a personal record Ame, you almost made it" after bursting out with laughter, I love this man he is the best boss ever he knows my situation without the abuse part but he understands I'm looking after Cayden, so he doesn't judge he is like the father I've never actually had.

I just look at him trying to breathe and not die on the spot from suffocating, "oh ha ha funny Leo" I say finally after catching my breath.

Anyway I start working and it's a long day but I got a second job working at a club that opened up here in town so after this shift I pick up Cayden and leave him with my best friend Emelia she has always been there for me, but she thinks Cayden is mine I can't bring myself to tell her the truth, as I keep working I just try to imagain a life without struggling.

Soon my shift finish and I greet Leo as I run to get Cayden, I reach the school and I see my little Bambi sit on the grass and playing with other kids and I get so exited, "Bambi Bum" I yell and his little face shoots up putting his hands out, he can't walk yet "Momma" he shouts and I pick him up hugging him in a big bear hug.

I quickly run to Emelia's house and I quickly get ready for my next shift and it's now currently 6pm my shift starts at 8pm sharp till 3Am then I get off and my diner shift starts at 8am till 5pm, tight schedule I know but it's all for Cayden.

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