Chapter 1

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Living with four brothers can be a challenge, it's even more of a challenge when they all have different personalities that always clash against one another. It is worse considering I'm the only female as well. It's difficult knowing that I'm the youngest and always considered the weakest. Of course not directly, I know that my family means well and all. It is tough trying to always prove myself to them.

Sensei knows I have potential, it's just a matter of having four over-protective brothers hovering over me. Currently, it's only three, since our oh-wise leader Leo, left for his training in Central America. Since then I've been butting heads will the three, not as much with Donnie. But mainly Raph, since he is convinced that I can't even leave an inch of my shell out of the lair.

I throw my rubber ball high in the air as my body lays relaxed in the recliner. It's been like this since the foot has been inactive. Since the shredder has been dead.

The ball hits my face as if it was punching me away from my thoughts. It's been quiet, between Donnie working on his IT job, and Mikey working as a party entertainer. It's been slow, I, however, have been working with Sensei on my mediation practices. I get up and walk over to the kitchen, I should make some food for dinner. Checking the time, it's getting kinda late. Meaning Mikey will be home any second now, and Donnie will be finishing up with work. I grinned slightly, I could hear Donnie struggling on talking to a lady. Since he's been working a lot, he has the tendency to accidentally call a women 'sir'.

I open up the kitchen cabinet and reach for some pasta. The shelves look nearly empty, I hum to myself and grab a pot. I turned on the sink and started filling the pot with water. I continue to hum to myself as I turn the water off and set the pot on the stove. I turned the stove on high and then move around in the kitchen to the fridge. I opened it to find nothing, glaring at the fridge in utter disbelief. "What the hell happened to all my vegetables!" I yelled out upset, I literally have a small garden on the roof of April's apartment. She helps tend to it for me since it's cost-efficient for us. I had roughly five large red tomatoes, and they're missing. I slam the fridge close and groan, at least we still have cheese. I guess I can make a cheese sauce.

My shell softly bangs against the counter as I lean back thinking. The tomatoes were probably used by Mikey when he was experimenting with pizza again. His last creation was interesting, and surprisingly I actually enjoyed it, while it was an original it was still good. Instead of Pizza, he actually made Calzones. Donnie and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he wasn't the first to create it. A giggle leaves my mouth as I lean forward and walk to the stove, I reach over and grabbed a wooden spoon to stir the water. It hasn't started to boil quite yet, I grab some salt and pour it into the water.

I wasn't always like this, calm and actually having a smile. There was a time when I struggled with my emotions. Much similar to Raph I had a temper, I was very much a hot-head. My temper nearly cost my life, I fell victim to Kari's vicious words of manipulation. I was a weak point and was bait for my brothers. A frown formed on my face as I looked down at my reflection in the water. Since that day, I stayed in the dojo with Sensei to master the art of mediation. To control my temper, I never want to endure that ever again. To see my brothers fight for me like I was actually worth something, hit me hard that day. That's why I try to take care of them as much as I can when Donnie gets too busy with work. I'll bring him lunch and water for him, and I make sure to pack a lunch for Mikey while he is at work. As for Raph, he doesn't even talk to me. Since Leo left, I feel like I took that responsibility to take care of my brothers. Raph didn't take it well when Leo had left for his training. He spent more time in his room or in the garage working on his motorcycle. I leaned against the counter and looked at the water. "Ah, shells!" I panicked seeing the water boiling over, I quickly moved the pot to the other side of the stove. Leaning forward I banged my head against the counter.

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