Goodbye Old Friend, Hello New Life

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"I don't know about this...what if something goes horribly wrong?" Bucky asked as Tony and I were working on the mind scrubbing machine.

"Nothing will go wrong. This is my only way to get rid of Frost and everything and that goes with her. Her and I had a talk and she knows this is what her and I want. She is the one who came up with the idea." I said.

"Do you ever think maybe she came up with the idea because she knows everything in your mind will be gone?" Bucky asked and I sighed.

"Bucky, listen, I know this is scary and I know the consequences but it's a chance I need to take." I said and he groaned.

"Does Steve know?" Bucky asked and I didn't make eye contact with him. "Aspen!" Bucky yelled and sighed.

"He will know before I sit in the chair. He can't talk me out of this Bucky." I said.

"What about me?" I heard a voice say. Tony, Bucky and I looked to see Nick Fury standing there.

"Nick, didn't know you were making a visit." Tony said.

"Well you called and said you were getting this back out and going to be using it, I have a tendency to be concerned and worried about who it's being used on." Fury said and I looked at me.

"It's being used on me sir." I said and he looked at me.

"Oh yes, our frosty friend..." Nick said walking up to me. "Nick Fury." He said extending his hand.

"Aspen." I said and he looked at the bracelet. "Frost says hello too." I said since she did say it.

"She's in your head only?" Nick asked.

"As long as I wear this bracelet she is at bay..." I said and Tony nodded.

"Do you have the powers if she isn't in your mind?" Nick asked and I shrugged.

"Never tried them without her." I said and Nick sighed.

"What are you thinking?" Tony asked.

"I saw the damage she did in Times Square, she could be a great asset to the team." Nick said and I shook my head.

"No thank you. I want Frost gone, I want a family, a future. She had agreed." I said and Nick sighed and nodded.

"I know, I would like to see if the powers remain once she is gone. She is just the persona behind the powers who controlled them. With enough work, you still might have them once she is gone." Nick explained.

"Bucky, can you go get Steve. It's ready." Tony said and I looked at him and sighed.

"The one thing I remember is the pain, is it going to hurt like last time?" I asked.

"It's not going to tickle, there might be some pain." Tony said and I sighed and looked at Nick.

"How about we talk once we know if this works." I said and Nick nodded. Bucky came walking in with Steve a few minutes later and he saw the machine.

"No! Hell no! Penny are you crazy?!" Steve said looking at me.

"Let me explain..." I said and he shook his head.

"Penny..." Steve said and cupped my face.

"Before I woke up a few weeks ago Frost and I had a full-on chat face to face. She wants me to have a life Steve. She wants to be gone. She wants me to have a life and this is what she suggested. It worked once when they tried to remove everything from me but they missed her." I said and Steve groaned and cupped my face.

"I don't want you to forget me." Steve said.

"If something goes wrong and I do, just make me fall in love with you again Captain." I said and he smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. Once we broke apart I looked at Tony.

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