Let It Go

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🎵Don't let them in
Don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel
Don't let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go!
Let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go!
Let it go!
Turn away and slam the door

I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me anyway🎵

I gripped my head as I laid on my couch.

"Shut up Frost!" I screamed at her. She was annoying me with this damn song all morning since I wouldn't go out so she could be released but I also wouldn't find information on Barnes. I was gripping my head and almost to the point of tears because of the splitting migraine she was causing.

🎵My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go!
Let it go!
And I'll rise like the break of dawn

Let it go!
Let it go!
That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on!
The cold never bothered me anyway

"Frost please...." I begged

"You know how to make it stop." Frost said in a sing song voice.

"It's too late to go out and I don't know where to get info on Barnes. I need you to please stop. You are trying to kill me!" I said.

"Never, if you die, I die and I'm enjoying singing to you too much!" Frost said.

Frost just kept singing and I laid on my couch. I heard my front door open and I looked to see Lucy and she rushed over to me concerned.

"You okay?!" She asked and I shook my head and grabbed it again.

"Frost?!" She asked and I nodded.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked.

"I wouldn't take her shoot or do research on someone for her so she has been continuously singing Let it Go at the top of her lungs since 4am!" I said as tears welled in my eyes.

"Frost come on chick..." Lucy said trying to reason with her even though she knew it wasn't going to happen.

"She said to fuck off." I repeated to Lucy and she groaned.

"Can't you just take her out and let her do whatever she wants?" Lucy said and I shook my head.

"Too late in the day, could be people." I said. "Doesn't matter anyway, splitting headache, I couldn't see to drive." I said and Lucy held up her keys.

"Come on, I know where it is, I will take you and stay out of the way." Lucy said.

"Frost!" I said and she stopped singing.

"If Lucy takes us out for you will you stop singing and promise not to hurt her?" I asked. I was thankfully Lucy didn't hear these conversations but her safety was important to me.

"Fuck Aspen, if she takes out us I will kiss her!" Frost said and I rolled my eyes. I looked back at Lucy.

"Let's go and hurry." I said and we rushed out of the apartment to her car. We drove in silence as Frost still sang in my head.

"Why are you still singing?" I asked.

"Just in case we don't go." Frost said and I groaned. I looked at Lucy who looked nervous.

"Don't be nervous Luc, I assured your safety. She wants to kiss you for taking us." I said and Lucy laughed.

"Well I appreciate the offer but I'll pass." Lucy said.

"Her loss." Frost said. Soon we arrived at the wooded area and Lucy helped me walk to my secluded area.

"Have you ever seen me fully transformed?" I asked and Lucy shook her head and I sighed.

"Only the eyes." Lucy said and I sighed.

"Okay you may want to stand back." I said and she nodded. I relaxed my body.

"Alright Frost. You know the rules. Trees and shrubs only. When I say done we are done. Lucy stays safe." I said and she groaned.

"I know bitch! Come on give me control!" Frost yelled and I relaxed. I felt the chill takeover my body. My hair changed colors and my eyes went icy blue. I started swirling my hands to make an ice ball.

🎵It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me

I'm free

Let it go!
Let it go!
I am one with the wind and sky

Let it go!
Let it go!
You'll never see me cry

Here I stand and here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on

Frost started shooting ice balls and icicles everywhere going out of control. I was able to break through for one moment now Frost had lost all control and was going crazy.

"LUCY RUN!" I scream and she did as she was told then Frost was back.

"No this is my time bitch! Stay back!" Frost said. Frost started walking out of our secluded area to the walking trail.

"Frost enough! Done!" I yelled at her.

"Nope! I don't think so, I have barely been released." She said. There were a few families walking along the trail and one of the kids looked at the icy blue eyes.

"Mommy look at her eyes!" I heard the kid say excited and I put my hood up on my jacket to cover my hair and cast my eyes to the ground.

"Frost come on, don't do this. We will scare people, let alone can hurt people." I begged with her.

"Nope...I want time out and I want to be out in civilization. I want info on Barnes." Frost said and I sighed.

"Frost listen to me, there is no where to go to get info and I'm not letting you to Avengers tower. I promise you I will find a way to get info. Can you please just go back to the woods. Please." I begged and she just giggled. She just kept us walking down the trail and I saw guy a guy go running past me and I sighed when I heard him stop.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He asked calling after us and Frost kept walking.

"Oh fuck! Frost...please don't hurt him." I said trying with everything I had to fight her and take back control.

"Excuse me?! Miss?!" I heard him call again. I screamed and finally got full control of my body again.

"You will pay for that." Frost said and I groaned. I took the hood off and turned to look at the guy following me. I knew who he was instantly.

"Shit." I mumbled seeing Steve Rogers standing in front of me.

"I never would have hurt that man." Frost said but the exhaustion of fight back to get control from Frost I passed off. 

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