The Only Way

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Frost was shooting icicles at people and just laughing hysterically and the Ice Giants were also doing the same. Time Square looks like winter came earlier.

"You never let me come here and now I see why! This is way too much fun for me! These people running and screaming! God I love it!" Frost said and I groaned.

"Frost stop!" I scream as her and she quickly grabbed her head. I knew then I hurt her when I yelled too. "FROST!" I scream again and she stopped gripping her head again.

"NO! You will not take over!" Frost screamed at me and I sighed. I knew with the havoc she was causing someone would notice and hopefully get help from the Avengers. I thought Tony had alarms for shit like this. Before I had anymore time to think I heard him.

"Hey Snowflake, having fun." Tony said and Frost looked at him and I saw Tony standing there in his ironman suit and Steve was beside him.

"A blast! You want to join? What about you Stevie?" Frost asked.

"Penny! If you can hear me, I'm so sorry." Steve said.

"Oh she can hear you and she is screaming. Although I never used this much power on her so she is weak. I think she is fading quick. One thing she never told you about me taking over so much." Frost said.

"What's that?" Bucky asked showing up. Frost smiled.

"Awww Buckaroo. Good to see you. You worried about me?" Frost asked.

"More worried about Aspen. Let her back Frost, come on." Bucky said and she growled.

"Aspen...Aspen...Penny! God why do people care so damn much about her?! She isn't perfect and will be dead soon anyways!" Frost screamed.

"Which means you will be dead." Steve said panicked.

"Actually no..." Bucky spoke up realizing something.

"Now you remember." Frost said.

"What is she talking about?" Tony asked.

"See I use enough power and take over, Aspen...goes away. She did when I was held captive. She only came back out when they wiped my memory. She can't handle the power and force I have." Frost said and Steve looked at Bucky.

"You didn't think to mention this?!" Steve asked.

"I didn't really think about it honestly. My memory was wiped completely clean, I didn't even remember my own name!" Bucky said and Frost laughed.

"Hey, you two want to have your lovers quarrel later?" Frost asked. "I'm kind of on a schedule here to destroy Times Square." Frost continued.

"Frost, listen to me. You need to stop this..." Steve said and she shook her head.

"You're boring me!" Frost said and shot ice at Steve and he blocked it.

"We need to try and take her out. If we get her out the giant frost monsters go down. They are under her control." Bucky said to Steve and Tony. Nat showed up to hear as well and Sam was on coms.

"No on is to harm her! I have her bracelet I just need to get it on her." Steve said.

"Hate to say this Steve but there might not be another way." Tony said as he was blasting the ice giants. Steve looked at Frost and she was looking at him.

"Let's make boyfriend an iceman...I mean he was in the ice once right?" Frost said and I groaned.

"Frost don't!" I scream at her which didn't seem to affect her anymore. Frost start just shooting everything she had at Steve but he blocked everything which pissed her off and I was smiling knowing he was safe. Soon all the ice giants were done and destroyed.

"Steve we have to do something with her!" Tony yelled.

"Don't hurt her Tony. You hurt her, you hurt Aspen." Steve said.

"I think Aspen would understand!" Tony said. Frost took the chance of a distraction and hit tony in his chest the core and then smiled as it flickered and almost went out.

"That's it!" Tony yelled when he regained power and control and he started shooting blasts at Frost. She was able to block all of them.

"Frost! You get hit by him we die!" I screamed.

"So what! You want me gown anyways!" Frost said and I groaned.

"Tony stop!" Steve yelled but he didn't listen. Frost and Tony started blast and shooting at each other and Tony was getting highly pissed. Frost circled her hands together and sent a wall of shards of ice towards the whole team and whoever else was around. Bucky, Nat and Sam knew there was nothing they could do. If they got hit they were seriously hurt. They watched as Frost and Tony went at it. Tony charged his suit up.

"Sorry about this Steve, it's the only way." Tony said and before anyone could question what Tony was doing he took all of his energy he had and blasted Frost backward hitting her in the chest and stomach. Once Frost was on the ground she screamed in pain and I even felt it too.

"I told you bitch." I said.

"You son of a bitch Tony!" Steve yelled and went to run to Frost but Bucky stop him.

"She hasn't changed back Steve." Bucky said.

"I wont let her be alone!" Steve said and pushed Bucky as he ran up to Frost laying on the ground.

"You had to do this, get you both killed." Steve said to Frost. She just turned her head to not look at him. Steve quickly pulled out the bracelet and put it on her. She slowly changed back into Aspen.

"Steve." I said weakly. He smiled down at me.

"Hey, I got're going to be okay." Steve said and I huffed a laugh and then coughed.

"He got my chest and stomach Steve, I'm not making it out of this." I said as Steve looked at Tony who came over to stand by me on the other side and Bucky joined Steve on his side.

"I'm sorry Aspen..." Tony said and I shook my head.

"It's okay, it was the only way..." I said and closed my eyes.

"ASPEN?!" Steve said trying to wake me.

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