Let's Have Some Fun

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A few days later Steve and I made out way down to the glass box.

"We aren't going in there!" Frost said and I sighed.

"Yes we are. We need to talk and I need you contained." I said and she growled. I knew she knew what was going on and she wasn't happy at all. Once we got to the door I took the bracelet off and handed it to Steve. "Hold on to this please. If I do she may break it." I said and she nodded. I walked in the glass box and Steve looked the door. He promised to give me privacy but to watch on the cameras along with Tony as well.

"Frost, we need to talk." I said and she didn't answer me as I paced in the cell. "Come on. Don't go silent on me now." I said she growled.

"YOU WANT RID OF ME?!" Frost yelled and I groaned grabbing my head. When she yelled it hurt.

"Frost let me explain." I said as I looked at my hands and saw my fingertips turning blue. "STOP!" I screamed at her and she did. "Let me explain!" I said.

"Why do you want me gone?" Frost asked still angry.

"Come on, we have always talked about if there was ever a chance. I just want a normal life Frost. I want kids, a husband, a family...the whole 9 yards but I can't be sitting there concerned about you and if one of the kids gets a little rambunctious, so you go to deal with it."

"You think I would hurt a kid?" Frost asked.

"Not saying you would but I can't take that chance. What about labor, that's pain, that calls you out." I said and she sighed.

"So you going to have tinman fucking shock me out of you?!" Frost asked and I groaned.

"I don't know how it would work Frost. I will miss you, you have to know that but I need a life of my own where I'm not in fear that you will go rogue." I said and she laughed diabolically.

"Rogue?! ROGUE?! That was one fucking time!" She screamed.

"TWICE! And you almost hurt people and Steve the second time!" I said. She then started laughing.

"I see what this is about...it's about Steve. It's always about Captain Fucking America! He rules your life now!" Frost said with so much distain in her voice it hurt.

"Okay calm the fuck down. I made this choice without Steve. He is saying its all my choice and he can go either way and deal with you. I want a life Frost." I said.

"YOU HAVE A LIFE WITH ME!" She screamed and I grabbed my head again.

"Come on you know I don't! Can you please just respect my wishes on this?" I asked. "You were the one who wanted me with Steve in the first place. All the super solider comments!" I said and she just groaned.

"Well I changed my mind!" She said and I growled.

"Too fucking late Frost! I'm with Steve. I'm having a life with him and I'm getting rid of you. You were never meant to be here just an experiment gone wrong and now I want it out!" I yelled at her.

"It's not that fucking easy you bitch. I have to let go first." She said and I groaned. I felt her fighting me for control.

"Frost don't do this! You are in the box! You change you still can't get out." I said.

"Maybe I just fucking kill us with an icicle!" She yelled and I saw my fingers turning blue again and the cold stem rising from them.

"No!" I screamed. Ice shot to the floor. "Okay seriously stop please." I said to her as I still fought her for dominance.

"You want to be free of me fine but I think I deserve one more fucking day out and I don't mean to the forest!" She yelled.

"What?! No! Forest only!" I yelled.

"Nope! I think it's time for a change and we do what I finally want to do. First things first...." Frost said and screamed and blood curdling scream making me drop to my knees grabbing my head putting my guard down. Once the guard was down she took over.

"Okay, now...to get out of this fucking cage..." Frost said and she blasted the lock with ice freezing it off. She kicked the door down and busted out. As she ran to find a way to leave she ran into a couple S.H.I.E.L.D agents shooting icicles at them taken them down.

"FROST STOP!" I screamed and she laughed.

"Nope! This is my turn now. Let's get out of here and have some real fun!" She said finding a door and busting out.

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