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A/N: A pretty long chapter purely because I was enjoying myself too much. I mean c'mon Marinette running around Paris with Adrien in pjs? That's so fun



"Radient... Carefree... Dreamy..."

Marinette had stitches – the kind of ones that were sewed tight under your ribs after what felt like hours of giggling, of which were loud enough to drown out your kwami's 'reminders' that 'laughing at Adrien wasn't nice'.

On a pink desk chair was a pyjama-clad, hauled over seventeen-year-old fighting harder for her breath than she did in any akuma battle as Gabriel's newest perfume ad featured Adrien frolicking (did you hear her? He was frolicking) off a building (not a real one unfortunately) basically dressed as a tampon. The wispy chimes and commercial smile on his face were just a bonus for the piling dirt she now had on him, but what did it for Marinette was his mid-air running-pose before "dreamy" that she cackled so hard at the first (of fifty) times she saw it, her parents had to rush in when hearing a hard body fall off a chair.

Amidst the fifty-first replay of her new favourite video (not including Ladyblog clips of Chat Noir looking adorable, obviously) her phone buzzed with the contact 'Nino's Girlfriend' (Alya had named it herself during their everlasting honeymoon phase).

Violently rubbing the mirth from her eyes, she shut off the computer and answered the face-call as Tikki ducked.

"Marinette! I've been waiting for you for fifteen minutes! Where are you, girl?"


Oh. Oh. Oh. The pool!

"Uh– I was deciding which swimsuit to wear!"

Something clicked from behind and the computer lit up.

"Radient. Carefree—"

She squeaked as Alya's face turned sly recognising the add.

"Uh-huh," Alya said. "And the Adrien ad helps you pick out a swimsuit, girl? I have to admit, that's pretty cute that he's distracted you this long."

Out of frame, the rest of the girls giggled.

Marinette looked up as if watching her pride float away, then scratched her head awkwardly. "Eh-heh, um yeah! I'll be right there!"

As the face-call shut off, Tikki's round eyes stared into Marinette's humiliation.

She folded her arms. "I know you turned the computer back on."

"It's not nice to make fun of something Adrien had no choice in doing," the high-pitched lecturer said back.

"Pfft, yeah, as if he'd choose not to be a model. He loves the attention." She reached for her duffle bag and a foreboding feeling settled in her gut as if she knew that wasn't true, but she didn't pursue the thought.

Even while racing out the door with a half-opened swim bag flying over her shoulder, Tikki decided she wasn't done. "You're just trying to remind yourself you don't like him after you kissed him out of nowhere the other day."

"Hey! I don't like him! And it wasn't out of nowhere!" Now outside the bakery, the wind splattered harshly against her cheeks that were still sore from laughing. "They were going to find out eventually! Do you seriously expect me to let my boyfriend flirt with Kagami right in front of me?"


"That's what I said."

Tikki rolled her eyes. "You were just as bad with Luka."

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