rescue me

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scarlett and jacob had an amazing night, filled with laughter eating and many refills on diet coke. jacob was more suprised with how much he liked her pizza rather than how fast scarlett would drink her glass of diet coke.

however it was a half an hour and ten minutes into their date when the flashing of camera shot through the windows. at first scarlett though it was flashing cars or even streetlights but it became irregular when she heard the noise of clicking camera lenses.

jacob held her hand tightly as he quickly walked out of the restaurants fire exit door, covering their faces with his jacket as he does so.

"jacob what the fu-" she says but stops herself from cussing at him but then she begins to piece things together in her mind. the money, the retirement comment and the lights that were most definitely paparazzi. "they were paparazzi weren't they? jacob why arent you saying anything, why did you rush out?"

jacob moves his jacket from hiding their faces, getting flustered with all these questions. but for the first time he saw anger in scarlett's face.

"im sorry scarlett, we just had to get out of there okay its for are own good ill answer your questions once we get to your home."

she sighs but tries to understand, yet in her predicament scarlett have every reason to get annoyed. she wasnt clueless to paparazzi once her first book was ever released she got paparazzi catch her in thrift shops.

she didnt bother to link arms with him or hold hands either just rushing her speed of walking

jacob run his hands over his face annoyed by what had just happened, he just wanted to enjoy his time with the girl. he dreaded the news articles and rumours that were due to spread like wildfire but it was scarlett he was more worried for. the questions that would be pushed upon her and the questions she'd ask.

but she was due to find out, and she was going to be enormously mad when she did. he tried to not annoy her more when she got frustrated with the keys not unlocking her door. until he put his hand out and twisted the keys twice hearing the click of the door and she exhales trying to calm herself.

although when the two entered her house she sunk into her sofa without saying a word, just staring blankly at the wall. guilt ate at him as he stared at her waiting for her to say something atleast so he could explain himself.

a part of him wanted to chuckle at how cute she looked when she was angry, but he pushed any of them feelings down and concerned more on being serious.

"why was there paparazzi taking pictures of us jacob." she asks trying to stay as calm as possible, he kept thinking of ways to get out of this secret he held onto the last few days but it felt so wrong too. he just begged for somebody to 'rescue me'

"im famous, for being an actor." he says as her eyes finally land onto him, leaning against her wall with his arms crossed.

she wasnt even angry just more shocked he didnt tell her, it wasnt like she'd care about that sort of thing. but it did make her question how much she knew about him and what was all lies, maybe scarlett told him too much about herself while she hardly knew him out all.

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